I am listening to the BBC World Have Your Say, a program wich I usually enjoy immensely… but today they are discussing 9/11 conspiracy theories…
Really? BBC? This is a topic worthy of debate? sigh You are only serving to elevate the 9/11 conspiracy theory to a level that it should never, ever see the light of day of.
Just because Ahmedinejad made some bizarre statements at the UN about 9/11 does not mean we need to open up discussion for these loons to espouse their ridiculous beliefs.
Am I way off base here on this one guys? I mean, I love the BBC and will keep listening to them, but damn… this really knocks them down a peg. It’s like we might as well be debating whether or not UFO’s abduct people or create crop circles or that aliens built the pyramids. Disgraceful.
Just out of curiousity, do you guys have any good links for 9/11 truther debunking?
Moved thread from IMHO to Cafe Society.
I thought exactly the same thing today. That 9/11 conspiracy guy probably creamed his jeans when he found out they were going to have him on.
World Have Your Say is a crummy excuse for a call-in show and always has been. It’s poorly moderated and the callers are dumb and uninteresting even compared to other radio call-in shows.
I have never seen or heard of this program and I dislike it already.
Does it normally lend itself to woo, or generally just chest-beating “I don’t know nothing about nothing, but I’m a common man and those politicians are just wrong” stuff?
Reminds me of this bit from Mitchell & Webb, which others might enjoy.
What possible reason could there be for you not to email us? Certainly ignorance shouldn’t be a bar. You may not know anything about the issue, but I bet you reckon something.
So why not tell us what you reckon? Let us enjoy the full majesty of your uninformed, ad-hoc reckon by going to bbc.co.uk/meandmyimportantthoughts (all one word), clicking on “What I Reckon”, and then simply beating on the keyboard with your fists or head.