It seems that driving while in the throes of extreme blue balls might be worse than driving drunk. At least that is what I can deduce from something that happened in Portugalete (Basque Country).
A young driver was arrested by the local police after a short car chase. The young man was driving at top speed through the city, running traffic lights in red (for a grand total of 15) and not respecting zebra crossings, or anything of the sort. Just zooming through the city. A patrol car from the Ertzainza (Basque police) saw him pass by them like a bat out of hell, and immediately gave chase.
It transpires that, not long before then, the young man had received a Whatsapp message from his girlfriend, wherein she told him that her parents would be out of her home for one hour, and that if he wanted to have some sex, he should be getting there A.S.A.P.
When the police stopped him he pleaded with them in earnest, asking them please please please to let him go and that he would give himself up in one hour, as soon as he was done with something he had to do. But the agents did not listen to his pleas and arrested him then and there.
It had to be done. and for the good of the community. If he had reached her, it might have been manslaughter.
Sara: “So, did you find anything interesting?”
Grissom: “A lot more of the usual than I would have expected. There is extreme penetration damage to her pelvic region and the entire lower half of her body seems to be covered in almost two quarts of semen. DNA won’t be a problem.”
Sara: “What the hell is wrong with her face? Is that a smile or a death-grimace?”
Grissom: “Your guess is as good a mine. I just work here and she’s not talking.”
i heard pretty much this exact story twenty years ago in Chicago, minus the arrest. Urban legend repeated, or life finally imitating fiction? ETA: or, heck, maybe both were true.
Basque women apparently being pickier than our counterparts from other regions is something that’s led to a number of insults (apparently “matriarcate” is an insult, when said by someone who thinks that women should be kept in the kitchen with a broken leg), jokes and urban legends. We make jokes such as “why are all Basque children born in the spring? Because nobody has sex in the Basque Country; kids are all born nine months after their parents were on vacation outside.” One of my current coworkers likes to blame the dry year he suffered while on location in Pamplona on those jokes being true (by his own account, he was just boring).
Maybe we should start blaming the cops. After all, they’re used to being blamed for lots of things…
The Basque country. And only a few, in a nature park and they’re very bad about crossing on the actual zebra crossing. Can’t get 'em to obey the traffic lights either, from what I hear.