Worst Apartment Complex Ever

When we moved in to this lovely place in August we had no idea what lay ahead. The elevator didn’t work, which sucked for my then 6 months pregnant wife, but the manager assured us that it would be fixed very soon. And for the most part it was, but it has never been what you might call reliable.
Not long after it was fixed, some charming child began using it as his own personal moving urinal. That was disgusting. It doesn’t help that the walls are carpeted. He peed in the carpet, frequently. The smell was awful. We complained…frequently. It didn’t improve.
We also complained to the manager about several other things ranging from the water pressure being strange, the drain in the tub not going very fast and half the outlets in the apartment not working. There was no response. Finally, after 6 months, we went over the managers head and called his boss. This was after they were threatening to evict us for withholding rent until some stuff got fixed. The regional manager came out, looked at stuff, made some promises and was disgusted by the elevator. They are working on it. Which brings us to today.

My wife was home with our infant son and suddenly there were people banging on the door. It was the new manager. Apparently, water was coming through the ceiling of our downstairs neighbor and her downstairs neighbor. The floor in the bathroom was damp, as my wife had recently gotten out of the shower, and was hanging some clothes to dry in there, but certainly no flood. They accused her of flooding the bathroom and trying to hide it. They were yelling and being very unprofessional. She called me, and I came home from work early. I went to the manager’s office and let them know that I was unhappy with them and the way they handled this. I was met with apathy. I am still furious.
Tonight, my wife goes down to talk to the neighbor below us, and while she’s in the apartment the light fixture in the hallway starts filling up with brown, foamy water. I’m in our living room playing with the baby. There is no water running. The manager begins to backpedal from her accusatory stance towards my wife, but only just a little. It turns out that there was a plumbing problem earlier this week and the plumbers sucked out the line and the blew compressed air up into the sewage pipes to make sure they were clear. I’m willing to bet that this would expose old leaks and create new ones in a 40+ year old building. Of course the manager told my neighbor that she’s not calling the plumber until Monday morning, but she’ll be more than happy to get a bucket in case there’s more leaks. I want to ruin this management company and all people with it. Don’t rent from Horizon. Never never never. They fill with GRRRRRR!

Sorry this rambles.

I don’t know how strong your tenant laws in your city are but I’d sure be checking into them and using them to my full advantage. Also, call your county bar association and see if you can get a half hour meeting with a real estate attorney. This should be pretty cheep, if not free.

And record everything that goes on and take pictures too. Good luck to you!

Hayward, huh? Do you live in inkleberry’s building?

They are husband/wife.

So that’s a “yes”, then?


What do you honestly expect in Hayward?

I hate to say thils, but hayward is fucking awful.

I was born in hayward, and visited it without incident for many years. It is very sad what has happened there.

That said, I figure it is a few years until Hayward gets gentrified. Now you run off to southlad mall and fear for your life!

I don’t know where the failure lies in this once proud town… but I’ll lay the blame at the city council, who failed to do anything when the drug dealers and meth addicts took over the town.

Can you move?

Until then, I give you this delightful gem.

Ivylass, I remember that!

Boy, these all put in perspective that my Dad’s and my sister’s building isn’t quite so bad. Even if it is managed by Sleazy Realty.

My family’s got a condo down in New Orleans left over from when my sister when to school down there. Obviously this is a fabulous, wonderful thing to have, but your excitement has to be slightly dampened when you realize that Satan[sup]*[/sup] is the manager of the building. Just off the top of my head here are things he’s told either me(not usually, for some reason he leaves me alone) or members of my family:

  1. The light was burned out at the bottom of the stairs(the freaky, lighthouse-like backstairs). He told me it was too expensive to have a lightbulb there. I replaced it with one of my own.
  2. Accused my sister of peeing on the hallway carpet
  3. Accused my sister of peeking into cars in the garage, possibly even breaking into them(He doesn’t like my sister very much)
  4. He also likes to harrass, again, my sister about bringing her dog down there. If a dog barks, it’s hers.
  5. This is not his problem, just a stoopid condo association rule: We are not to use any loud kitchen appliance or wash or dry laundry between 10 at night and 8 in the morning. I didn’t include shower, but it very well may be included. My family is frequently in trouble with the condo association.

[sup]* not his real name [/sup]


/wipes away tear