Worst Principal Ever

Never underestimate the ability of students to track down anything embarrassing or actionable you ever did that makes it to the web. Although most teachers who get in trouble that way do it on Facebook (ie meet your second option.)

Welcome to the world my Sister-in-law, who “has tenure” has dealt with for the past twenty fucking years. The administration don’t care. They will NEVER care. Welcome to the real [nightmare] world. Now if only the parents would wake up. Ummm. Ain’t going to happen. Welcome to the real world. You and my SIL would get along well… :frowning:

Personally, I’m getting damn tired of hearing about it. I can only agree twice a day, but she complains four times… :smack:

Yes, end of term.

Individual tests are not subject to it. However, even if they student had B’s on all their tests when end of term comes around you had better give them an A for overall grade.

My (male) vice principal boned a bunch of the dudes at my (Catholic) high school by using his (hot) math teacher girlfriend to sleep with basically the entire senior class and try to get some of them drunk enough to let him go to town on them while she watched.

He went to jail. She got fired. The dudes (or at least one of them) moved out of state.

That’s why my parents sent me to public schools; they were afraid the private ones would have corrupted me. :slight_smile:

Wow, could you sound like *any *more of a fucking sexist creeper? “Woman has a series of legitimate complains about poor management, so it must just be that she can’t control her emotions after some dude got tired of fucking her.”

I hear the break room can turn into a real lemon party. Maybe you can dig up some information on that.

Sure I could, but I don’t want to keep you from your housework.

See, go with more of that, funny instead of obnoxiously condescending.


I actually don’t believe I was sexist with my earlier post. If a male teacher had posted the exact same rant, with the genders all flipped (“She only cares about looking good, surrounded by the boys with their wangs exploding out of their jeans” or “She works out daily and has great, big (tits)… Oooooo … Barf”) - I’d think the exact same thing about the poster, that they had some weird jealousy/hangups regarding the person and may also be a spurned love interest.

If you’ve never noticed self-important incompetent assholes who like to surround themselves with scantily clad women, and it’s not a matter of sexism, then I guess you’re just a *regular *idiot.

If it makes you feel any better, they’re only accusing you of that because it’s what you look like, not because you actually are.

Pats Tiba on the back.

But you never even called me any other kind of idiot, but now I’m suddenly demoted to just a regular one? I feel like I’ve missed out on an important step in our relationship.

Also, you started out by calling me a sexist (a “sexist creeper” actually) and when I said that I wasn’t sexist, and would make the same assumptions about the OP regardless of gender, you accuse me of not noticing that “self-important imcompetent assholes who surround themselves with scantily clad women” is a matter of sexism, which is really a completely different point than the one you originally made (that I’m a “sexist creeper.”). And now I’m a “regular idiot” for not following your nonsensical train of thought.

Yes. I’m glad you’re catching on.

I know there are spelling mistakes elsewhere in your posts but this sentence makes up for all of them and all future ones you shall commit.

I am! I’ve totally figured out that you need to get laid!

Don’t worry though, I’m not taking any of this personally, I realize you’re probably just on your period.

(If you’re going to accuse me of being sexist, I may as well own it.)

I *do *need to get laid, and I *am *on the rag. MY GOD IT’S LIKE YOU’RE PSYCHIC.

What can I say, I know how to read chicks. You’re probably also wrist-deep in a pint of Kopp’s* while you reply in-between chapters of the latest Stephanie Meyer book.

Enough of this silly hijack. I have no quarrel with you, or anybody else for that matter. Let’s get back to not helping the OP with this principal problem.

*Local reference for maximum comedic effect.

No. You will stay and you will fight.

Only if you’re on my side.

Otherwise, I’ll forfeit immediately and run away in tears.

Aw, you were doing so well. I’m actually at work, drinking a glass of water, and checking Facebook on my phone to see if there are any new updates about my friend’s bandmate.

And there are! Yay!

ETA: I really want some fucking frozen custard now, though. Thanks a lot.

For you, anytime.