Worst Principal Ever

Worst principle ever!

I don’t care who you are, that’s funny right there!

Ever had a Zombie at Gilles’? A dozen toppings on a huge mound of frozen custard… oh, wait, it’s not “fucking frozen custard”.

I don’t think zombies do that.

How YOU doin’?

And EvilTOJ demonstrates the threshhold for an effective woman’s pick-up line…

That’s nothing. My sister works at a KIPP school, and her principal–who brought the whole KIPP program to that state in the first place–embezzled money from the school and was dishonorably discharged (or fired, I guess you’d say, by the board of directors). QUITE the school scandal. The assistant principal took over for the rest of the school year, and he’s apparently quite the douchebag/not principal material.

She says it was hushed up, I would think something like that would catch the eye of the local media, but I can’t find anything about it online. I’m not sure why one of the teachers hasn’t leaked it.

Oh Turnip, I’ve missed you so terribly. <3

Despite the fact that I went to high school right near there, I’ve only ever been to Gilles’ maybe a half-dozen times. I think I still have a $1 gift certificate kicking around somewhere from a a freshman-year teacher.

You know, it’s hard to say which is worse. At least when they’re doing something so blatantly illegal you can get rid of them. It’s the insidious, nasty, but potentially still legal shit that’s often the most damaging, because there’s often no recourse for removal.

You were wearin’ one of those tight tops with your rack bustin out when got it weren’t


My father once overheard a school adminstrator giving a speech to a room full of other administrators. This was the opening ice-breaker.

“How are teachers like mushrooms? Keep 'em in the dark and shit on 'em enough; they’ll do just fine.” HAR HAR HAR.

Jesus Fucking Christ! Go talk to an English teacher and have them explain to you how and where to use a comma.

Hint: It’s NOT every third word!

I only see one incorrect comma there, plus an unpaired “nor”. It’s not the most stylistically elegant thing ever, but seriously?

The teacher was female.

But yes. :frowning:

Jesus fucking christ! There was only *one *comma in that entire quoted section that absolutely shouldn’t have been used (“weight, gain”). Understand punctuation yourself before you try to critique someone else’s.

Waiting For Superman

*pats Kipp-educated America on pate *