Worst response by liberal in a leading role: Salon Magazine.
We have seen this all before; it should be oddly familiar. The reaction to the horrific January 2015 Paris attacks was equally predictable; the knee-jerk Islamophobia ignored the crucial context for the tragic attack — namely the fact that it was was the catastrophic U.S.-led war on Iraq and torture at Abu Ghraib, not Charlie Hebdo cartoons, that radicalized the shooters. Also ignored was the fact that the extremist attackers were sons of émigrés from Algeria, a country that for decades bled profusely under barbarous French colonialism, which only ended after an even bloodier war of independence in 1962 that left hundreds of thousands of Algerians dead.
After the January Paris attacks, leaders from around the world — including officials from Western-backed extremist theocratic tyrannies like Saudi Arabia — gathered in Paris to supposedly participate in a march that turned out to actually be a carefully orchestrated and cynical photo op.
[Followed by a lengthy discourse on why the French and other westerners are totally responsible for all violence in the Middle East.]
Worst response by conservative in a leading role: Ann Coulter, via Twitter.
They can wait if they like until next November for the actual balloting, but Donald Trump was elected president tonight.
Every year, the US imports 100K more Muslims to live here permanently. Rubio says he wants more. Why would anyone support him?
You may as well read my tweets first and get a jump on all the commentators who will be imitating them tomorrow.
The Cliche Award: Hillary Clinton.
All our prayers are with the people of France tonight. We must stand side-by-side every step of the way with France and our allies around the world to wage and win the struggle against terrorism and violent extremism. Even in this darkest night, Paris remains the City of Light. No terrorist attack will ever dim the spirit of the French people or our common commitment to the democratic values we share.
The False Equivalency Prize: Ms. Magazine.
While ISIS endorses rape, American college administrations similarly facilitate the rape of women on campuses.
Said liberal is correct. It ain’t something Westerners like to admit, but the Middle East wouldn’t be the hotbed of instability, terrorism, and general extremism it is today if it wasn’t for Western powers jacking around with the region.
The unfortunate thing is, by this point, ain’t no putting this toothpaste back in the tube. There is no fixing what Europeans and Americans broke over there.
These terrorists are by no means justified in what they’re doing, but one also cannot ignore what created most of the terrorism problem in the first place.
I wish I knew what a good response would sound like.
No, I am not asking for suggestions here; I’ve been reading the appropriate threads and articles. I just have not read anything that fits the phrase “a good response” to my ear yet.
shrug Diplomatic boilerplate. I assume similar messages were sent from the Hittites to the Egyptians when the Pharaoh drowned in Exodus. It’s how the diplomacy game is played. Er, not how Diplomacy, the game, is played. The rules in real life are much less complicated.
Who are you kidding? The Middle East has been a “hotbed of instability, terrorism, and general extremism” since Cain slew Abel, perhaps before. Long before Europeans and Americans even existed (in their current form). Not that the “West” hasn’t meddled in Middle Eastern affairs, but it isn’t like everything was rainbows and butterflies before such meddling.
I saw one Twidiot post we shouldn’t pray for France because they got what they deserved.
Then others stating the massacre is proof gun control is ineffective. And even going as far as to say if the French had handguns they could have stopped it.
And hey never let an opportunity to bash Obama go to waste as I’ve seen memes quoting Obama that these kinds of mass killings do not take place In the modern western world where’s there is gun control, and mocking him for dismissing ISIS earlier Friday.
I also had one Alex Jones guy tweet that terrorists don’t attack Americans because we have 100 million guns. I brought 9/11 and replied that was an inside job.
If I have time I’ll find some links to this stupidity.
Heh, heh. That’s a clever parody of what an ignorant Islamophobe would say.
Yep, excellent Poeing.
Heh, heh, heh . . . ?
That … *was *parody, right?
As to the OP:
The quoted “worst Liberal response” while insensitive, and therefore admittedly a terrible response, is at least addressing some issues that really do need to be considered.
Whereas the Ann Coulter’s response is just Ann Coulter dribbling shit as Ann Coulter is want to do. (I don’t think it’s fair to hold her up as a true representation of conservatism. She’s just too crazy.)
I think Hillary deserves her award, and a golf clap. But as others have pointed out, she’s just giving a fairly standard diplomatic response, and rather adroitly, I think.
There’s the Charlie Hebdo guy also saying you shouldn’t pray for France, saying the last thing they need is any more religion. He’s using the tragedy to stir up controversy.
Then there’s a Facebook “friend” who condemned the Democratic presidential candidates for not saying “we’re at war with radical Islamists,” instead preferring other words like “Jihadis.” Then, when I pointed out that we Christians wouldn’t like it if pro-life terrorists were called “radical Christians,” she argued that the only Muslims who aren’t violent are Muslims in name only.
Trump just got through saying the same thing. And that aforementioned Facebook “friend” is a Trump supporter. She won’t come out and say that, but she keeps quoting him and defending said quotes.
Can you tell I just got finished talking with her? I’m not angry enough to Pit her, but I couldn’t resist when it fit so well in an existing topic.