What positions that you frequently support are commonly misrepresented, mocked, trivialized, blown out of proportion, or otherwise used to make you look dumb? And would you like to take a moment to correct that?
For me, as a generally liberal person, it’s the concept of understanding bad people, particularly in the contexts of terrorists and criminals.
I think it’s VITAL to our ongoing war against terror to figure out what, if anything, the US has done to cause people to want to kill us. Why? Am I blaming American First? Am I saying “oh, we did X and Y and Z which were bad, so they had every right to bomb us?”
Not at all. Not even close. Not even in the BALLPARK. What I’m saying is this: There are some number of people out there who are already determined terrorists, actively trying to kill us. They deserve no mercy. We should hunt them down and kill them. When they do bad things, or try to do bad things, we should catch and punish them. If they say “oh, I only killed 50 americans because of X and Y and Z”, it’s too late, they’re Enemies.
There’s a much larger group of people who might someday become terrorists. They aren’t yet. They aren’t yet strapping on the bombs. But they might, depending on the road that life takes. Now, if we do things that push those people over into being terrorists, then hey, we’ve created terrorists. That’s a Bad Thing. If we can determine that those people are very irritated when we do X Y and Z, then we should realize that ceasing X Y and Z will cause there to be fewer terrorists. If possible, I’d MUCH rather have there be 1000 fewer terrorists in the first place than have to spend the time and lives and money catching those 1000 terrorists, particularly given that some of them will certainly strike before they are caught.
Now, it’s CRUCIALLY important to note that we do NOT have to stop doing X Y and Z once we determine what they are. We might decide that it’s something that is crucial to our foreign policy, or our alliances, or whatever, and keep doing it anyhow. But we might not. Anyhow, we should CERTAINLY have the information so that we can make an informed choice.
To sum up, if I ask what motivated the 9/11 terrorists, it’s not to be lily-livered or America-hating or sympathetic to their poor troubled childhoods, it’s for the very pragmatic reason that I want as few Americans to die in the future as possible.
Somewhat similar is the situation where someone has been convicted of some horrible crime, like child abuse, and I might be heard to ask “I wonder if he had a troubled childhood?”. Does that mean that I think it’s an excuse? If it turns out that his kitty died, am I going to give him a big hug and say “oh, man, my liberal brother, I too had a kitty who died, how can I possibly blame you for raping a baby given the horrible things you had to deal with”? Of COURSE not. Regardless of what motivated it, he’s now a child raper, and he’s going to jail forever, and I personally will happily toss the key into the ocean. BUT, suppose we notice that out of 100 child rapers, 95 were raped themselves as children, or 85 had alcoholic fathers, or 65 had pet iguanas. Any information of that sort that we can come up with will help us figure out how best to spend our tax dollars to set up programs to prevent the current generation of children from growing up to be child rapers. Again, it’s not boo-hoo-liberal-weakness. It’s a desire to PREVENT CHILDREN FROM BEING MOLESTED!!!
(Which doesn’t mean I feel no empathy at all… if someone was molested as a child and had an alcoholic father and now is a vicious criminal as an adult, basic human decency requires me to reflect on how sad it is that a formerly innocent child got destroyed and turned into an evil adult due to factors at least partially out of his control, and how can I say that I would have done better had I had the horrible misforture to be born into that situation. BUT, if he’s now an evil adult, he’s now an evil adult, and I’m not letting him out of jail just because he was unlucky in where he was born. I can conceivably see factors like that being used in an argument for life-in-prison vs. death penalty, but the poor guy’s troubled childhood shouldn’t matter at all if the question is whether he’ll ever be let free to potentially injure more victims).
Phew! Nice to finally get that off my chest!