worst way to die

Without a doubt - I work in a hospital and see it all the time - tears my heart out.

The 9/11 victims on the top floors. Having to choose between dying from smoke inhalation and/or burning to death, or jumping out the window, and not knowing what happened or why?

And the homeless-guy-in-the-windshield is a close second.

Alzheimer’s. Any other chronic, debilitating illness would probably come in a close second.

My grandmother had alzheimers, its not as rough on the person who has it as it is on the family. Other than always being sure that someone was stealing her underwear, she wasnt that unhappy. Drove us batshit though

Being bored to death doesn’t sound like much fun.

Hoplessly trapped in the dark while the room burns around you in a razor blade factory…

Does anyone else remember the story of the flight attendant that was sucked out of the plane and her body was never found?

That’s got to be a bad way to go (assuming you don’t die immediately die due to the cold and the lack of oxygen) but knowing you were going to fall to your death…

(frequent morbid paranoid obsession with that scenario)

Hmm…I think I read somewhere that many victims of fires die because of the smoke, not the burns, though their bodies are burned afterwards. That wouldn’t be so bad as burning and feeling the pain, but dying of suffocation. Still bad, but not as bad as the other one.

Actually, I always thought drowning would be one of the more preferable ways to go, though there would obviously be the feeling that you were missing out on the rest of your life. The first “breath” of water would make you pass out, at least.

For me, anything around my neck is very creepy. I can’t even wear a stiff choker kind of necklace. The classic suicide in stories of hanging oneself always perplexed me. Why would one wish to make one’s own death that much more unpleasant?

How about missing out on the air that should be there? That’s not a fun experince

I think the idea for people who kill themselves by hanging is, if done in a certain way, your neck will break when you reach the rope limit, thus sparing you the horrible agony of being choked to death.

I’d personally go for the freezing death. Go to sleep and never wake up.

That or shotgun to the head. Kills you and little chance of having a bullet lodged in your brain and massive brain damage if you survive.

Jarbaby, you mispelled e.e. cummings! :wink: