Once again I’m not sure what forum to put this in, but it involves an serious and complex question so I picked GD, but the Mods can obviously feel free to move it.
With computers and easy internet access, it is becoming feasible to have a true democracy once again. Everybody could go home, look at the issues of the day on the city, state, and federal level, and vote, getting a true count of what the people want enacting laws based on that. Getting rid of the representative system.
The main problems with this at the moment are, not everybody can afford a computer, so the results would be skewed heavily toward the haves. But lets assume that computer access was universal, and cheating couldn’t happen.
The part I’m interested in is whether people would want this,(or would it be a moral advancement even if you don’t want it).
I have a lot of trepidation to giving the true power to the unwashed, fickle and emotionally reactive masses. The professional senator may be a corporate whore, but at least they have most of their time to devoting to the issues, and hopefully a decent education, rather than unthinking voting in response to the editorial of the day. Now obviously I’m willing to have my own voice heard, but what about my ign’ant redneck neighbor? Do we really want him to have a say?