Would anyone be interested in a Jigsaw Puzzle exchange?

All of a sudden, Jigsaw puzzles are a hot commodity, and the company Mrs Magill and I order from is rather backlogged. Also, because we’re both home we can knock one out in three or four days now, rather than the more leisurely one to two weeks it used to take us.

We have a couple of puzzles that were challenging, with a nice picture, that for various reasons we don’t want to mount. Would anyone be interested in exchanging puzzles?

If there is enough interest, and we can agree on some ground rules, I’ll start up an exchange thread similar to the post card exchange.

Back when I was into wasting my life on jigsaw puzzles, I started doing them face-down. Took a bit longer.

Now, when I’m in the mood, I do them online.

If you lived near me, definitely, but they are kind of a pain to ship. I still have quite a backlog, bought from thrift stores before they closed down. I put out about a dozen I had finished on my curb, they were gone in an hour.
You might be able to go on NextDoor or something like that to see if anyone has a set of finished puzzles.
I just finished 2 2,000 piece ones, and am working on a 3,000 piece one. So I’m not in need.