I’ve been here a number of years, and during that time I’ve noted a few categories of threads it might be nice to easily reference, either for amusement or when certain topics are revisted.
For example, there were a bunch of threads relating to September 11, 2001 - would love to have a listing of them for when the topic comes up again. Also, for their historical value.
At one point someone compiled a long, long list of the “Ask the ____” threads but I can’t seem to find it anywhere. Would love to see that stickied as well as added to, particularly since both “Ask” and “the” are too short for the search engine to pick up.
And just before search was disabled there had been discussion of “prophetic” threads, such as the one asking about landing every airplane just days prior to 9/11, and the one about a poster asking about the safety of construction cranes just before that very crane prompting his concern collapsed and killed some people. It wouldn’t surprise me if there were other such oddly timely threads here.
Is this of interest to anyone else? If the subscribers compiled the lists would the SD consider stickying it in a forum?
Hmmm. I suppose we could create some sort of sticky with such lists by topic… My concern would be that it not be too huge to manage. And, we wouldn’t want to be re-editing every time a new STAR WARS thread started, say.
Definitely, the categories would have to be limited. I mentioned the 9/11 threads because they come up from time to time and I’ve seen mention of keeping track of them for historical value from other posters.
The “Ask the___” threads - someone already compiled a list and it was a popular thread as I recall.
I don’t know how we’d go about determining which topic are worthy of such an honor. I don’t think “Star Wars” or “Star Trek” thread listing would qualify, but I haven’t thought about it enough to specify why (other than perhaps personal bias and interest on my part)
Well, as Dex said, there would have to be something in place to keep it from getting too unwieldy. But I think it would be great to have a “reference” sticky. If it wouldn’t be too hard to manage (or hurt too many feelings), it would be great to reference the all-time funniest threads in there, too (Horror of Blimps, anyone? Magic Mushrooms?, etc.)
Idle Thoughts is already updating that thread once a year - there’s no reason to change that, that I can see. The only difference is that his once-a-year thread would be stickied or updated in the reference thread. That (to me) solves the problem
The only problem with that is that “funniest” is subjective, amd there’s no real mechanism for people to vote on choices. Something the “Ask the” threads or the 9/11 threads are objective, there’s no question that they slot into the category.
For proposed topic I suppose someone can start a “Please help me compile a list of ____” thread in the appropriate forum so the interested members would do the work and all the mods would have to do is update the sticky. We’d want to update something like either no more often than once every 6 months or no less than once a year…?
We have the “Ask the ___” compilation. Let me see what I can do about the 9/11 version.
I agree that “funniest” is very subjective. It was just a thought because it seems like every so often, a newcomer comes along and says something like “Point me to the threads that makes this place worth joining”, and these threads always come up. I never realized that Idle Thoughts was already on the job!