Would someone please explain the adult onesie to me?

I’m getting myself and my fifteen year old daughter a set for Christmas.

She was a HUGE footie pajama girl and outgrew them a few years ago - as in they were difficult to find in adult sizes.

For Christmas for maybe the past ten years, her and I get matching jammies - we usually don’t have a lot of choice since finding something in size 10 kids and size 10 adults that match - unless you visit one of those matching jammies websites that seem…run by the Stepford Wives.

This year she wears adult sizes, and Target had footie jammies. So we get footie jammies - for the nostalgia. I’ll probably wear mine a few times when its cold, but really won’t wear them much. Pain in the butt to visit the bathroom. I’ll see how comfy they are. (Its possible it will become the Saturday hang around the house uniform if its warm and comfy enough, but I sort of doubt it).