Would the SDMB be informed of your unfortunate demise?

When your name pops up as a DEATH in the ancestry list, I’ll let the denizens here know. :smiley:

Nope. My wife knows I post here, but really doesn’t have any interest herself in message boards and it wouldn’t cross her mind. And I’d agree with her!

I very much doubt it.

This would be the case for me also. Several of my MMP compatriots are FB friends with one of my sisters, so the word would get back. I don’t know that it’d occur to my husband or daughter to post a notification here.

I might haunt the servers.


There would be a flickering in the force. People would know, although they may not realize they know.

If JoseB thinks about it. If he goes and dies without all proper permissions, first I’ll kill him and then I’ll let you guys know.

We’re not SOs, just happen to know each other in The World Outside.

Yes. My wife is a rare poster but active reader and in case both of us check out at the same time my cousins know how active I am here. Plus a few others (mostly Mumpers) have our real names and phone number so someone would probably call at some point. I’m betting the Dope gets clued in.

Don’t know (maybe add it to my will?). I know several folks from the MMP and share as Facebook friends, so they might notice me missing and discover my demise, but not positive.

I do promise that if I know that my time is come, my last post to the SDMB will be “Hold my Beer…”

Same here.

Yes. I’ve got 3 Doper friends on Facebook, and also my brother knows of the SDMB and is very aware of my action here. If my Facebook friends don’t post it here first, my brother will.

<Pinches self. Feels nothing.>

You’re right-- I’m NOT real!! :eek:

I don’t think anyone would notice. I disappeared for 7 years before my recent return and I don’t think there were any, “where the heck is Serenata67?” threads. The mumpers might notice. But no one outside of the dope knows my name, so they wouldn’t notice my obit. And my family doesn’t know all of what I do online, so I don’t think they would inform y’all. Maybe I should put something in my will.

My family doesn’t know what the SDMB is, much less that I am a member of it, so there’d be no notification.

Probably. The wife is a member here, although she hasn’t posted in a decade or more. She knows to let the Board know of anything. Not that anyone would care, but I like things tidy.

I’ve asked my wife to do so. My password is listed in our passwords file, and most of our computers are set to remember it anyway. Every once in a while she threatens to post my death announcement just to mess with me, but so far it’s just been too much trouble.

I’ve also asked her to keep my town alive in Simpsons: Tapped Out, but that may be asking too much.

Nope. None of my family even know about the SD and my friends’ eyes glaze over when I try to tell them about it. So now one would know to get on board to let you know.

I’ve got 4000 prewritten posts that will be released intermittently by My Beloved after I die…or maybe I already died a couple of years back, and this is post #2997 in the series.

I’m hoping you’ll all hear about it on the news.