Would the SDMB be informed of your unfortunate demise?

Nope. I think MR. CK would have enough to deal with, so I wouldn’t ask him to do something so unnecessary. And if he is already gone, there’s no one else anyway.

I doubt I am so special here that I would be missed.

Dibs on the axes!

I’ll keep them lined up all pretty.

I don’t have anyone who could post a notice and I’m pretty sure no one would care anyway. I guess 'll just go eat worms.

Although in the case of my demise, I suppose it would be the other way round.

Almost certainly not. My wife knows I post here but I don’t think she has ever visited the site. I had 4 or 5 Dopers on Facebook, but I think that’s down to just one now—one deleted her Facebook account and no longer posts to the boards, the others left the Dope. So if I’m lucky my one remaining FB/Doper friend would notify the board… only to have a thread filled with “who the fuck was Lancia?” posts.

My wife would have no idea of how to get onto the SDMB, or if I’d want her to, so I wouldn’t expect her to make such a post.

But, I’m friends on Facebook with a few fellow board members, so it’s very likely that one of them would see the news there.

My daughter elfbabe would inform the board. We’ve discussed it. Assuming she hasn’t forgotten her password after all these years, at any rate.

My wife knows of my sad addiction and would likely inform the three remaining posters here.

I can toss in a couple meat cleavers once I kick if you need them.
I actually have a written list of boards and passwords for those-who-follow and a couple small things I would like passed on to places. I was part of a world record zombie event at Dorney Park and some things to go to surviving zombies :eek: there and some things have got to end up with a Mumper or three I know; stuff like that. Will it happen? Who knows. But I figured it was worth the shot. Kids these days understand how close extended internet friends can be so I think the odds are fair to better.

This. Mrs. Plant (v.3.0) would inform Facebook and perhaps the 'Dope, but not Mrs. Plant (v.2.0). She’d be busy counting money.

There has got to be some way to work this to my advantage…
But I’ll be dead.

I don’t think I’m famous enough on these boards that anyone would notice or care if I stopped posting. (Has anyone ever referred to me in a thread in which I wasn’t participating? If so, I’m not aware of it.) So I haven’t made any arrangements for my passing away to be announced here.

Of course, now is your chance to post, “But psychonaut, we really do know you and remember you, and will [del]miss you[/del] rejoice if you were ever to leave for good. Please, please, please make sure that we are all notified in the event of your untimely death!”

So let it be written. So let it be done. :cool:

I’m really surprised by the number of Dopers who think nobody would notice if they quit showing up. Some of you are people I’D miss and would wonder about, and I’ve only been on here a year.

If there’s a life after death, I like to think I’d get definitive answers to every question posed on the SDMB and could come back and post them. *Yes. Yes. 6.2 meters. Orange. You’ll be sorry. Nope, no Mitch McConnell up here. *

Surely there is an SDMB in the afterlife.

Depends on where you end up.

That’s De-mo-NAY, De-mo-NAY.

Sorry — Mel Brooks flashback. But I’m much better now.

Maybe, but if I went quickly or suddenly I rather doubt it. A few of my friends are aware I have posted here( and a very few have briefly posted here as well ), but most of those are no longer local. Family aren’t really aware of my internet habits and aren’t big on social media announcements anyway. So by the time my death slowly filtered out to non-local friends, it is likely no one would think to comment on it here.

It is pretty likely given my habits, particularly the one I have of falling out of touch with people, that outside of co-workers( if I go before I retire )folks I know will still be learning about my death a couple of years after it happens ;).

I’d vanish like mist on a hot morning. Nobody knows I post here, nobody here knows who I am (I assume), and I very, very seriously doubt that anybody here would notice I’m gone. Or care, for that matter.

I am married to and/or Facebook-connected to a number of active Dopers, so I suspect word would get around.

Yes, the board would be informed.

Not that I’m a star poster, but I like this place so I have left instructions with my sister on how to communicate the news, in the event I die.