Yes. Of course.
Iraq would be better off because only a few of the very nastiest dictators are more dangerous for your average male citizen than the sort of civil disorder that Iraq is slipping into.
And given that whatever happens with Iraq over the next coupla decades, the religious extremists will have tremendous influence, women will look back on Saddam’s reign as a paradise where they could walk the streets in safety, get an education, and not have to be chaperoned by a male relative anytime they stepped out of the house.
So the people of Iraq will be worse off in the years to come than they would have been, were Saddam still running things.
The U.S. would be better off. It would have had 1000 fewer citizens killed in a war zone, hundreds (thousands? who knows?) fewer amputees, it would still have a military free to respond to diverse threats, rather than a military that’s exhausted, stressed out, and stuck in a geopolitical quagmire that makes Vietnam look trivial. It might (let me stress, might) have focused more intently on combatting al-Qaeda and its fellow travelers; it might have focused more intently on preventing the slide towards nuclear proliferation (North Korea, Iran, Brazil???) into, or to the threshold of, being nuclear powers; it might have secured its ports, its air cargo, its chemical plants, and the like, rather than simply hassling airline passengers, preventing the last attack.
Chances are it would have done at least one of these things, and been better off as a result.
And if the U.S. had organized a more effective global war on al-Qaeda, or led an international movement to control nuclear access, the world would have been better off. But even without that, absent Iraq, there’d be no chaos in the heart of the world’s oil wealth, in that incredibly volatile region. And third-world powers wouldn’t be seeking nukes simply as a poison pill to make sure we don’t invade them when we get the urge.
So the world would be better off.
OK, where’s the rewind button on this here space-time continuum? I wanna go back and do it all over, but I can’t go back, I know…