Would you go see a movie just because of a hot cast member?

Well, my daughter and I did - we saw “August Rush” just to see Jonathan Rhys Meyer. Yes, he’s that hot. (and tho Freddie Highmore did a good acting job in a ridiculous part, JRM’s hotness is just about the only reason to see the film).

So, own up. Have you ever plunked down bucks just because you have unrequited lust for the actor or actress in a film?

(PS - the guy who played JRM’s brother is pretty attractive too)

Are we disqualifying porn from the question?

Yeah. Date Movie. Never again.

I’ll see anything with Al Pacino in it–thank god he’s made some good movie choices.

Though I could’ve done with a bit more gay sex in “Cruising.”

One of my favorite actors and a really nice looking man, to boot. Have you seen Gigli? :slight_smile:

Nope. Would rent movies for certain performers if all I wanted was their eye candy, but watching in the theatre? Nah.

Oh, I’ll netflix it at some point. I just want to know what incriminating photos Martin Brest got of Pacino in “Scent of a Woman” to make him agree that “Gigli” would be a good idea. (Mainly because I think said photos would be really really hot.)

I saw The Island just because it had Scarlett Johanssen in that hot white jumpsuit… but my roommates rented it, so I didn’t have to pay a dime. I skipped it in the theater and wouldn’t have bothered with paying to rent it myself.

I really have no defense for having seen Resident Evil: Apocalypse other than Milla Jovovich being all kinds of fine.

Yup, I’ve even bought DVDs for that reason :wink:

In fact, I believe they rely on that to an extent for casting.

No. I don’t think I’ve ever done that. I would if I thought it had a great actor who always gives a good performance, but “hotness” does not factor into my decisions on watching movies at all.

I might watch a new TV show for that reason, though, because they’re free, convenient, and I can just switch off if it turned out to be a bad idea, so I wouldn’t really lose out on anything in the end.

There is a world of difference between seeing a movie only because of a hot actor/actress and having the presence of a hot actor/actress nudge you over the line from “sorta interested” to “interested enough to actually go”. It’s a failsafe–if there is a chance the movie will be bad, the sure-thing presence of hotness will serve as a consolation prize. I’ve never done the first, but I’ve done the latter many times.

That’s funny. This is the only movie I ever saw simply to gawk at an actress to. That Hannigan is really something, eh?

Too bad the movie was complete garbage. And too bad the sitcom she starred in afterwards was complete garbage too.

Same, I’ll rent the DVD. That’s why I rented Bandidas. Penelope and Selma…

My daughter will see anything with John Cusack in it. Or Shia Lebeouf (who could easily play JC’s younger brother–can’t say she’s not consistent in who she finds attractive. Vince Vaughn is on her “must see” list too.) Fortunately for her, Mr. Cusack makes some fine movies; his ratio of quality/crap must be pretty high.

Me? I don’t go to the movies very often, but on Netflix will seek out anything with Denzel Washington or Matthew McConaghey.

I’ve gone to see movies because of a hot guy who’s naked in it {American Psycho for Christian Bale, Jarhead for Jake Gylllennhaaaall, Total Eclipse for Dicaprio, etc.) but not just because they’re hot in general.

I’ve watched a bunch of movies because Johnny Depp was in them, but that’s only partially because he’s hot.

Yep. Poseidon. IMAX. Emmy Rossum.

Alex O’Loughlin, currently starring in “Moonlight” on CBS. Funny you should mention him in the OP, because I was just thinking I may have to see “August Rush” (not normally my cup of tea) because of him. I often watch movies just for celebrity crush reasons – that’s why I’ve seen most of Jason Isaacs’ filmography, for example. (I drew the line at “Sweet November,” though…I have some standards.)

Way back when, yes. It’s why I watched Cocoon: The Return.

And no, it wasn’t because of Jessica Tandy.