Would you go to the moon?

I would. I’d do almost anything to go to the moon. If I had a million dollars and a ticket to the moon cost a million and five, I’d give everything I had and borrow 5 bucks off someone. I cannot imagine a greater technologically possible adventure.

I’ve asked a lot of friends, family, co-workers, etc this question over the years, and the consensus is that I’m the crazy one for wanting to go. The overwhelming majority of people say they absolutely would not go to the moon. Most, believe it or not, are wholly uninterested, and the rest don’t think it’s worth the risk. The few who say yes give something like a shrugged Sure, why not? I have yet to meet the person half as awestruck by the thought of it as I am. Except maybe my dad who, at 53, pretty much knows at this point it’s not going to happen in his lifetime. Hell, I’m 27 and starting to reserve myself to the fact that it’s probably not going to happen in my lifetime, even though as a child I was sure it would.

(And I don’t really want to talk about Mars but just FTR in case it comes up, I’d rather go to the moon than Mars; shorter trip, lower gravity, and much better view of Earth.)

Yup. I would. Although I’d probably be very happy with the view of Earth in low orbit.

But getting to bounce around in zero/low-G? That would be a blast and a half!


I certainly would as well as just about anything else space or aviation related. I get tired of being stuck to the surface of this rock most of the time. I might opt for the space shuttle over the moon though but I would take either or both when offered.

I would not hesitate. The whole “climb aboard a rocket, strap yourself in, and blast off into outer space” experience would be an incredible adventure.

But to walk around on another world (I know, it’s really “just” a satellite of our own world) and be able to look up in the sky and see the Earth would be, well, out of this world!

Hell, yes! I can’t believe that there’s actually anyone who would say “no!”

I would love to go to the moon or just go up in the Space Shuttle, but it’s not worth a huge amount of money to me. When there are space vacations under $10,000 I’ll go, but that may not be in my lifetime.

Heh, nice to meet you, Hazle. So are we talking risk free, guaranteed to return or just a flight using available technology and replete with all the very real dangers?

If the latter, I think that coupled with what must be an absolutely unbelievable sensation of watching the only home you’ve ever known slowly disappear in order to visit a lifeless place not near as hospitable as even the harshest desert here would compell me to say “no”.

Now mind you I totally get the thrill of the experience, It’s just that I really like it here, surrounded by friends and blue oceans and, you know, oxygen, and just don’t find myself willing to put any of that at risk.

Available technology, real danger. No fantasy guaranteed returns.

What’s the in flight meal? If it’s not salmon then I’m in.

I think it would freak me the hell out. Watching Apollo 13 or 2001: A Space Odessey in HD is freaky. I mean looking at the Earth from inside a soupcan and thinking “wow…look how small that freakin thing is. What if some rock comes along while I’m up here and smashed it?!” Or “did they put enough ‘science’ in this ship? Because I am NOT going to be able to make an escape pod out of flashlights, old CO2 filters and urine pouches.”

Still probably would be worth going. Only if I get miles though.

Let me think about itYES!!!


Hell yeah, I’d go. I’d also smuggle aboard an ipod or other music playing device to crank up Space Oddity for the blast off…

Might I suggest what might be the next best thing? The glossy photography book Full Moon

As for myself, the answer is no. When it comes to lunar explorations, I’m afraid I’m strictly an armchair traveller.

I laughed so hard I almost peed myself!

I would not go to the moon, FWIW. It would be cool but it is too high risk. I also would not want to go to the bottom of the ocean, but if I had to pick between the two I would pick the watery grave as opposed to the space coffin.

…do I get to come back?

In space you’d be vacuum-packed. In the watery grave you’d be eaten by sea weevils or something. ick

Although it might be nice to see Alice Kramden up there (you youngin’s won’t understand that reference), I think the answer is NO.

I don’t even like flying in a jet now (although I do if I have to) so I hardly think a trip to the moon would be fun for me. I would pity the person sitting next to me as I screamed non-stop for about the first 90 minutes of the flight. I can hear the flight attendant now, “No, Mr. DMark, you may NOT leave your seat to go to the restroom during takeoff!”

Being weightless for awhile could be fun…but instead of barf bags, would they have barf nets?

Plus, what do we do when we get there? Any good casinos and buffets? Most likely Cher will be performing in her farewell Moon tour. Michael Jackson doing his new “earthwalk” dance? If I drop my pants and bend over, would I be “earthing” you? So many questions…

I’d go in a second if asked. I’m far to much of a geek to refuse a chance to actually go to the moon.

No way, why? I like where I am. I’ll watch all of your youtube videos.