The usual eccentric billionaire approaches you with a proposition. He’d like to abandon your current animal-killing diet in favor of a vegan one, and he’s willing to pay to see it happen. If you can fulfill his terms for one year, you’ll be paid a total of $100,000.
Here are the rules:
During the course of this project, you may not eat any food which was produced from any vertebrate animal, whether the animal was killed or not. That means no beef, chicken, eggs, milk, fish, and so forth. Honey’s fine, though.
The billionaire will provide a skilled vegan chef who will prepare your meals. The billionaire will pay for both the chef’s salaries and the meals provided.
On the last day of each, you must undergo medical testing to verify that you are not cheating by running to a steak shop during your lunch break or whatever. You may also be subject to random tests during the month.
If you’re certified as animal-protein free at the monthly test, you’ll be paid $5,000. Fail the monthly test (or for that matter any random test) and you’re out, though you get to keep whatever money you’ve earned thus far. Pass and you’re eligible for another month. Pass twelve times in a row, and you’ll get a bonus of $40,000, for a total of $100,000.
No, you don’t get to do it twice in a row. Stop asking.
No, current vegans aren’t eligible. Stop asking.
Would you take the billionaire up on his offer? Why or why not?
Frankly this would be a no brainer for me. I love meat, but I also love lots of vegetarian dishes. In fact I’ve had vegetarian suppers for the last two nights running, and probably will again tonight. (Leftover Indian food.)
Same here. The not having to prep meals every. single. day myself thing would really make it a no-brainer (though I would want to cook myself sometimes).
It would be much easier if we were talking about vegetarian rather than hardcore vegan, though, for sure. But $100k would put a nice dent in the mortgage.
**Double Bonus! **
(I’m assuming the chef will prepare meals for the rest of my household, for which I’m willing to pay the cost of extra ingredients. If I get a personal chef pampering me, and not the other member of the household, well, frankly, the resulting discord may not be worth $100,000.)
Well, I’m sure the billionaire is only doing that to help maintain control of his experiment and keep his [del]monkeys[/del] experimental subjects from dying of malnutrition. But, yeah, the chef does make things easier.
Hmm. Assuming the billionaire is somebody like Bill Gates, probably the home family will get in on it. But if it’s Evil!Skald, I don’t think anyone else in the household will get any pampering. It’s funnier that way.
Yeah, this one isn’t that hard. I am semi-vegetarian by choice although I will eat anything if the mood strikes. I like meat but I like $$$$$$ a whole lot more. There are plenty of vegan dishes that I like to eat on my own already and I can make some of them. The chef makes this a no-brainer. You are going to have to make this question a lot harder.
Edit: GDI, I missed the “current meat eater” bit in the head of the poll. My husband would do it, I bet. He’s a total omnivore but happily eats anything that I cook, even veg/vegan stuff.
(Walk in the fucking park. I’m already an ovo-lacto vegetarian, and I adore cheese, but I’d give it up in a minute to have a professional chef cook vegan for me for a year and I get $100k.)
No problem at all. Although I’d miss real half n half in my morning coffee for a while.
I don’t eat much meat and could easily give it up for life. Cheese, eggs…I’d miss but not a big deal for a year and $100,000.
Many years of my youth were spent in communes, eating if not a strictly vegan diet, certainly a vegetarian one. I’d probably rediscover my love of Indian (vegetarian) cooking and be quite content.
Then I’d buy a really big freezer and several shares of organically raised pigs (yum, pork) and a grass-fed cattle (yum, steaks galore) with part of the loot.
I’d do it in a second. Even without the chef as long as they gave me good and easy recipes. It might be tough at first to give up meat but I think it wouldn’t take long to get used to it.
The chef makes all the difference. I don’t think I could do it if I had to cook all the food myself.
I have no objection to the eating of meat and other animal products and I don’t particularly believe that a vegan diet is much healthier than a carnivorous one, but I hate cooking with an unholy passion and would probably do it for free to get a chef.
This avowed meativore says hell yeah! Provided the vegan chef is willing to take my tastes into account, at least a little. No tofu, different foods should not touch on the plate, and if you mix fruit in with my veggies I’ll shank you.
Just the chef would get me to do it. Hell, even once a month at a real good vegan restaurant with a babysitter arranged for. I like me my yogurt and occasional meats but giving them up would not be a hard stretch.
I can’t boil water without ruining it. It’s hard enough to make the shit I cook for myself pallatable as it is now? I shudder to think what I’d do to vegan cooking.