Would you install a paintball-firing security system in your house?

This seemed to be an inevitable evolution of the door cams and other home-security systems. I can see many many problems arising from someone using one of these things.

Like colorful language from someone on the receiving end?

Would that not be considered a boobytrap (mantrap)? I could see some wiggleroom if it was a remote controlled paintball gun, but it appears to be fully autonomous and designed to inflict pain. Apperently they also market it for use with tear gas filled pellets.

No, no I would not install that. To be fair, I wouldn’t install one that shot a soft painless projectile (ie nerf darts) either.

I like the idea of a ground-level cam spraying paintballs or tear-gas pellets at the squirrel(s) who enjoying chewing on my front porch.

As far as a human criminal deterrent, I doubt this is ready for primetime.

I’m not sure if it’s what you meant, but you’re technically correct, as it’s on kickstarter and not available for purchase yet.

A system designed to shoot painful pellets would almost certainly not pass legal muster, because those can be genuinely dangerous. But what if the goal was strictly to “mark” an intruder with paint, so they could be easily recognized and caught later (presumably, by the police)? There’d still be the potential for lawsuits from ruined clothes, of course, but would it be criminal?

I love the cat-blaster function, but not interested in hitting people.

I have watch all of Mark Rober’s videos about his booby trapped boxes. From the start he said that the contents of the boxes cannot hurt the victims in anyway or he could be liable for the injuries. So a spray of glitter and some fart spray stink was his choice to get back at the package thieves. I worked with a guy that lost an eye while at a paintball course. After that the course required not only eye protection but complete face and head protection.

What’s wrong with the trapdoor-into-the-alligator-pit? You can always eat the gator later.

It’s interesting that the video shows the cameras outside because my first thought was the mess / odor (tear gas) would leave in your house after activation. Even if you your target dead center there would be some splatter; hope you don’t have a white/light rug underneath of them. What happens to that glass you left on the edge of the table or that delicate sculpture or framed photo on the wall when they run or duck at the last moment?
I used to play paintball. I always wore a full face mask, with both a neck flap & wrap around ear protection. Yes, getting hit with one will cause an ‘Owwie’ & quite possible leave a black-&-blue mark unless you get an (un)lucky shot you’re not going to cause any permanent damage.
Will the one in your front yard recognize delivery drivers, contractors, the neighbor’s kid or even the unsolicited who come to your door (who we really should be allowed to shoot) - political types, missionaries, or the car load of kids dropped off trying to ‘win a scholarship’ by talking you into changing your electric provider?

Believe me, I’d love to install one of these but, sadly, won’t be.

What happened to the Friendly Neighborhood?

My first thought was that this would be amazing for dissuading marauding wildlife from gardens, etc… if it was loaded with something non-injurious but that would teach the animals to stay away. Maybe a water squirter or a little biodegradable airsoft type pellet, or something along those lines.

As far as the target recognition goes, many of the modern cell-enabled game cameras already have AI interfaces that can recognize people vs. deer vs. hogs, etc.

I was always worried about both of those. Mainly the glitter as he uses so much and it’s so fine, it seems like you’d be all but guaranteed to get it in your eyes. Especially when you’re in a car with it. Fart spray I mostly just worry about someone ended up having an allergic reaction or an asthma attack.

I wonder if the glitter is fine enough to become combustible? That could present a big problem if someone’s smoking or it happens near an open flame (ie kitchen counter with a lit gas stove nearby).

But, I believe he works this all out with lawyers ahead of time so I’m going to assume it’s fine and he won’t be held liable for anything. I wonder if there’s some sort of disclaimer that explains what’s going to happen somewhere on the box.

It shows the video outside because it happens outside. The idea is to stop the person from entering your house, not destroy it after they get in.

So maybe shooting those undesirables is a little harsh

I prefer fur-coated autonomous self-guided missiles:

Good for deterring intruders and dealing with snarky p.i.’s who are taking undue liberties with the Ferarri.


My aunt used to be president of a statewide Doberman rescue. Between that and boarding/petsitting dogs, mostly dobermans, she regularly had a dozen dobermans in her house at any given time. While they may be nice dogs, it’s still a lot of very big dogs coming at you when you walk in.

She didn’t have to lock her doors.

Where does messy housekeeping end and booby-trapping begin? I always wondered about a skateboard sitting at the top of a set of stairs. It’s not a booby-trap, you’re just not very tidy.

I started to look for it when I first posted this thread and mentioned boobytraps, but I thought there was something about it being ‘spring loaded’ or self actuating or something.
If it’s in your house, maybe the ‘reasonable person’ thing comes into play. A reasonable person may well leave a skateboard at the top of the steps. But they probably wouldn’t put a trip line there.

ETA, spring gun must have been what I looking for:

“Zeus, Apollo…KILL!”

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