Would you install a paintball-firing security system in your house?

Wouldn’t you want to train 'em in another language, just to prevent accidents? One badly-timed Sandlot reference and you have carnage.

Saw that on McMillan and Wife. They used Chinese.

This sounds like a lawyer’s wet-dream.

I’m more interested in buying razor wire. Need a source for purchasing.
Any one know of a contractor who knows how to install it safely. I’d rather not bother my homeowners insurance guy. He’s already got ulcers.

What about a moat and drawbridge?


Plus, is it really a “mantrap” if it is well signed? I mean, I think of a booby trap as something NOT disclosed. A “no trespassing” sign, then an automated weapon system inside the perimiter, is not great. But a “no trespassing, automated machine guns will shoot you if you cross this line” sign, maybe not?

Install the little paintball guns on the doggos. Better than sharks with laser beams.

Alright! Like it.

I don’t think “Phobos” and “Deimos” need any accessories. They’re well equipped to deal with the normal range of threats and offenses.


A friend had a business in South Philadelphia where he contracted with a security company that dropped a dog off each night and picked it up each morning.

Someone broke in, the dog tore them up and the security company responded to the alarm. Exactly how it’s supposed to work. But the guy who broke in sued, saying he was confused and thought he was breaking in to a friend’s business where he had permission to stay.

Of course my friend won. But he had to hire a lawyer and spend time helping with his defense.

And just making a sign is cheaper than actually buying the guns.


Ooh, how about something dangerous-looking that’ll sense motion and turn towards the intruder, making ominous robotic sounds? Oh, and a “racking the slide” sound!

Did they bring the dog to court as a witness? The movies/tv tell me you must do so if possible.

I don’t want paint all over my house.

Are those the names of the dogs, or are you planning on dropping captured asteroid-moons on invaders? Or maybe the original gods of fear and panic themselves?

On Columbo it was a ringing phone and then “Rosebud”. Just keep the dogs out of the room if you’re watching Citizen Kane.

It could be battery or assault, depending on the law of the jurisdiction.

And even paintballs can cause bodily harm, if they hit a particularly sensitive spot.

“It’s all fun until someone loses an eye.” Or a testicle.

Right, paintballs are the “painful pellets” in my first sentence. But if the goal is just to get paint on things, there are less dangerous ways of doing that, like just spraying it out of a nozzle. Still not perfectly safe, if it gets into eyes for instance, but then, nothing is perfectly safe.

“Assault” (or battery, depending on the jurisdiction) is usually defined as the intentional application of force to another person, without their consent.

If it was a person, standing on their porch, and they sprayed a person coming up the sidewalk with paint, that could well be considered an assault; query whether the police would charge, or the prosecutor take it to court.

Doing it by automatic means doesn’t give the person a pass.

I might be OK with motion-activated lawn sprinklers, and I’d be amused by a bucket of goo accidentally spilling over the roof above the door, but based on where I live, a security system is just a bit of an overreaction, IMHO. We’ve accidentally left the garage door open overnight, so anyone could just come thru into our kitchen, but so far, so good, and we do try to remember to close the garage.

The downside to glitter bombs and the like is that, should the perp get away, they might come back and exact revenge.