Would you kill someone............

Sadly, or perhaps not, while it appears you have the morals of a dictator, hurra for you, you seem to lack the drive to become a dictator. And as requirements go this last one seems to be somewhat of a must-have. Then again, it might turn out that you were just blowing smoke. In any case, congrat on the low moral standards, but you’re just gonna have to work harder if you truly want to become a dictator.

I could only kill someone if it was a life-or-death self-defense situation. If my family or loved ones were in mortal danger, and the only wat to save them would be to kill their assailant rather than restrain him, then I wouldn’t really have much of a choice except to kill them.

However, I would probably be in an agony of guilt and self-doubt later. I would always be searching my soul, afraid of finding even a speck of satisfaction or even pleasure in the act of killing.

I’d certainly never kill anyone for money, no matter what the price. Even if I could walk away scott-free, I guess I’d just be too afraid of the consequences for my soul. :frowning:

Kill someone without consequences? Yeah, sign me up. The $20 mil would be nice, but not neccessary. There are some EVIL people in the world, and having one less around would benefit everyone. And yes, I am willing to make that moral judgement.

So, it’s a financial transaction we’re talking about, then? Judging from the eagerness expressed here, I think this may be an unexploited market niche, Yong Lee Fampee. But you’re going about it all wrong; this is a commodity you’ve got going. You don’t have to pay people to take it; hell, charge 'em for it:

Would those of you willing to take the money or “do it fer free” pay for the privelege as well? Is that less or more ethically sound?

I would neither give nor receive money for killing. But I am a weak man… I might just kill to stop such a transaction.

Yes there is. One is a millionaire and the other is just a poor businessman.

As to the OP, yes I would most certainly do it and probably for much less. I might even throw in a 2 for 1 special if I was feeling generous that day. There are a lot of people that I really and truly want dead and I would make it happen myself in a second if I knew that I wouldn’t get caught. One of my best friends from childhood executed someone and is now on death row in Louisiana. That just isn’t worth it don’t ya think.

Hey! I wanna get my kill on, too!

Just kidding.

I doubt that I would ever be offered such a thing…but if I was, and it was not a messy death, I think that perhaps it could be a good thing.

Sure, as a college basketball fan - - - I’d whack Dick Vitale I think.

But, you’d have to give me a few weeks to come up with the $20MM.

originaly by:Anthracite

Truer words were never spoken.

This is a bit of a variation on the famous exchange attributed to Churchill:

Churchill (to woman): Would you sleep with me for a million dollars?
Woman: Yes.
Churchill: How about five dollars?
Woman (shocked): What kind of wman do you think I am?
Churchill: Well we already determined that, now we are just haggling over the price.

Hell yes!

I think the question is how lo will you go? I would do it for a paltry million.


I’ll do it for nothing, as long as I get to pick the target.

After all, I am already prepared to shoot a burgler etc. if it becomes necessary. There are certainly people out there who deserve it more than an ordinary criminal.

I’d pick the Preside-- ::jackbooted thugs rush in and beat Guy to a pulp:: (I’m kidding, I’d never kill anyone)

In an effort to turn this thread into a debate: Which is more wrong; Killing someone for money, or doing it for free?

Who am I to kill a stranger?

Actually, I made a mention to my brother last night that if someone attempted to rape or kill someone I loved, I’d kill them without a second thought.

So I suppose if you were to give me $20 million also…

Sure, why the hell not?