Would you kiss someone not of your preferred gender under the mistletoe?

No, I would not. The thought of kissing a guy repulses me. In my head, all guys have sandpaper for facial skin and breath worse than a homeless person who brushes his teeth with shitpaste. The only way I’d do it is if I thought for some reason it’d get a huge laugh (for instance if the guy was a huge prude, and incapable of kicking my ass, and I was really drunk, and someone double-dog dared me. What are the chances?)

I’m a hetero male, and I’ve no problem kissing another guy. Hell, I’ve done it before with another hetero male.

No, I wasn’t attracted to him in any way; I wasn’t under any intoxicating stimulus.
So yes, I probably would if I did the whole kiss under mistletoe thing.

Do transgender persons count? If so I’d kiss a feminine MTF; otherwise, no way.

If I liked her as a friend, I guess. I have elderly sorority sisters who kiss me, though I don’t initiate it. If it were somebody I couldn’t stand, mistletoe or not, she can pound sand.

No, but honestly I don’t think I’d be comfortable kissing someone of either gender other than my wife.

(jail singing) “I’d kiss a girl and I’d like it.” As long as she wore that cherry chapstick as advertised.
I think I would. I’ve never kissed a chick, but if I’m under the mistletoe, I’d do it.


Female here, and I would. I married into a family that kisses/air-kisses each other on the cheek, regardless of gender, so I’ve gotten used to kissing both men and women in this fashion.

I’m on board with this one.

Sorry, I don’t think I’ll ever be that progressive and open minded. It is an instant ick reaction.

I have kissed both a lesbian friend and various grandmother types on the lips. Just little pecks, and it was always their idea, not mine. But it didn’t offend me ever.

So, yes, a peck on the cheek or the lips would be fine with me.


I do kiss my dog. Just a press of my closed lips to the top of her head, though; we don’t make out or anything. (But we call our other dog “the French springer spaniel” because she loves to try to slip us the tongue, and succeeds more often than we would like. Once when she was a puppy, she stuck her entire snout in my mouth when I was yawning with my eyes closed. Now there’s an “Eww eww eww” moment for you. And a rather rude awakening so early in the morning.)

My dog licks my lips every day. It’s her way of greeting me after a taxing day of hunting and gathering for the family. It’s OK though; she’s a girl.

Sure. As others have said, it’s just a quick kiss.

Nope. I don’t kiss dudes. They don’t kiss me. That’s the rule.

Gay male here. Not been much for mistletoe kissing in general, but …

Kissing a woman (of whatever orientation) on the cheek, sure.
Kissing a gay male friend, cheek or lips.
Kissing a gay male stranger, cheek (but probably would not if I could avoid it).
Kissing a straight male? Only if he instigated, and only on the cheek. Also would probably prefer to avoid it.

I’ve done that many times, regardless of my or their sexual persuasions.

Straight male. I’d kiss Brad if Angelina was next in line. Otherwise, no.

Does no one do the continental 2 or 3 kiss side-to-side, cheek kiss? Those who are totally icked out, how do you think you’d cope with that?

I wouldn’t kiss anyone under a mistletoe that I wouldn’t be kissing in the first place.

Vox Imperatoris

Put me in this group too.