Would you rather supergenius-level intellect or nigh-irresistable sex appeal?

See the trouble with the Super-hottie life is that it’s non-discriminatory. You are as attractive to psychopaths as you are to the good, intelligent people that you want to be with. The trouble is that good, intelligent people can also fall prey to the assumption that beautiful people are not intelligent - or intellectually oriented. Thus you wind up with a constant stream of shallow idiots against which the people you want to spend time with must swim.

And let’s not forget the liars, who are willing to say/do anything just for a chance to play on your jungle gym, or wear you to parties. Many a man would like to accessorize his wardrobe with a super attractive female. (Not that he doesn’t also want monkey bar access.) You end up spending most of your social time trying to guess who is interested for the right reasons.

Wow. Okay. Then I pick supergenius, because then I can invent some kind of light-bending technology that makes me look super-hot. Dur.

Let’s see, if I choose the former, I will inevitably annoy everyone around me. If I choose the latter, everyone around me will inevitably annoy me. Easy choice.

I pick super-genius. I don’t especially want to be inundated with shallow women. Heck, as a super genius if I want a woman that bad I can just build one.

How do you figure the former to be true? Do you feel that becoming a super-genius would inevitably change your personality?

The silly hypothetical offers the genius choice, not the wizard choice. Do you truly think it’s any more possible to build a woman than it is to travel backwards in time?

I’d take the super intelligence, then use it to figure out the method that the guy giving the choice uses to give the nigh irresistable sex appeal.

Of course, the trick COULD be that, by being mistrustful, you lose out on BOTH.

Super-smart, definitely!! I’m an attractive girl if I do say so myself, and I get more than enough sexual attention - it makes me a bit uncomfortable. Being irresistibly sexy to everyone would be like a nightmare.

I’m certainly clever enough but being a genius would be so cool. There’s so much I don’t understand, and lots of information I don’t retain. Would love to be more gifted in those areas.

I think for women this is the case. A beautiful woman can write her own ticket. She doesn’t have to do anything other than look beautiful and some rich guy will marry her. A hot guy would actually have to do something in addition to being hot.

As a guy I would take super intelligence. I would probably be able to figure out a way to be super rich and then I would be able to have whatever I wanted.

I think some people are ignoring the fact that if you choose the second option, you are irresistible to people of both sexes, not limited to the one you prefer. That could get really annoying really fast.

And also . . . it reminds me of that *Twilight Zone *episode of the gangster who dies and is given everything he wants, including unlimited wealth and beautiful women. Then he finds out that he’s in hell, not heaven.

And I think people choosing the supergenius intellect are romanticizing how great it would be, it seems in part due to the greatly exaggerated ideas about the abilities afforded by an extraordinarily high IQ. Clearly they both have (dis)advantages, and I’m not sure which I’d prefer. If my goal were to be rich, though, I’d definitely go with being irresistible.

I’ll choose the ‘ultra-hottie’ option. I want to see how the other side of the street lives. :smiley:

Seriously, I’m not a super-genius, but I am fairly smart. I am also extremely aware of my lack of social ‘polish’, let’s say. If the hottie option includes social skills as well as raw looks, I’m in.

Edit: this doesn’t affect existing levels of the other attribute, does it? I don’t want to end up gorgeous but dim.

I wouldn’t want to be too smart because I think it would lead to being really miserable.

I wouldn’t want to be too hot because people wouldn’t leave you alone!

I’ll stick with being me, thanks anyway Skaldzilla!

Hmm, you’re right. I’ll stick with being me.

Better looking.

I’ve known a few super-geniuses in my life (and many more who just thought they were), and they’ve all been unbearably annoying. I suppose acquiring super-intelligence later in life might allow for the development of social skills, or at least the skill to detect when you’re being annoying.

I don’t know this Richards fellow, but I assumed it was the intellect option.

Definitely the looks for me. Life as the Professor in a world of Gilligans? Sounds lonely.

Provided I could keep my current level of intellect I’d take being super attractive.