Would you rather supergenius-level intellect or nigh-irresistable sex appeal?

I ended up picking Supergenius, after some cavilation; even as someone who had already experienced being classed as “gifted” INCLUDING the social-adaptation issues. Meh, I lived through it. So in my case it would just be a “supersize” of what already is one of my strong points and something that defines my identity… and our OP quite considerately has decreed that the maximization of intellect or hotness is NOT to the detriment of any other trait, so a 200 IQ does NOT mean becoming Rain Man, and conversely, enhanced sexiness does not mean turning into a bimbo. Nor I presume, does it lead to a change in our fundamental personality and value-set. So I’d likely be still within my comfort zone.

Yet my first gut reaction was to bring the sexy. I thought, well, I AM already towards the upper end of the curve intellectually, so it would be nice to be also so dreamy and studly that young co-eds and their mothers alike throw themselves at me – I mean, Og knows the “thrill of the chase” has long ago worn thin, and except for troops in the field nobody wants to meld into the background.

But then for some reason I thought about how worthwhile or satisfying would be the payoff beyond the immediate? Invent, create or discover things that make life better or are simply awesome, write life-transforming books, answer deep questions just for the heck of answering deep questions … vs. … get laid a lot, potentially get a lucrative modeling contract.

Observation strongly suggests even complete schmucks can get laid a lot, and often they don’t even have to be particularly cute. So the modeling contract would be the true bonus? Well, I still would not have the answer to many deep questions, and under the presumption the transformation would not change my value-set, it would take a whole damn lot of supermodel foursomes to distract me from that.

Also, even with super-intellect I’d still have to** study** a subject to master it if I’m previously ignorant of it (though I’d probably do so very quickly and well); while supersexy me could just be discovered while having a bagel at the park and be on four magazine covers and postered on the walls of girls’ bedrooms across America next week. The former would still have the “advantage” of giving me something to *do *with myself.

Went for super-genius. Not because I’d be happier (which I doubt) but because I would have a greater chance of doing something significant in the world.

But…the OP mentions the hottie being super-charming.
How far does that go?

Because even without looks, I think I would take super social skills: someone who can make anyone laugh or smile, win people’s trust and admiration, handle confrontations etc.

I’d have a great life, I’d have luck with women comparable to the super-hottie and I could probably do something significant just by introducing smart people to each other.

Yeah, that’s why I chose the hottie… super social skills. Really, what is part of being hot? Being charming, diplomatic, affable, approachable (or fending them off without hurting feelings if you don’t want to be approached)… socially expert. And I am convinced that the socially skilled lead generally happier lives than the socially unskilled, no matter their level of raw physical hotness or intelligence.

Now, the interesting question is… what would hotness be like for a 47-year-old man? I have only one referent: James Bond. I can’t judge his raw looks, but he definitely had social skills up the yinyang.

Can’t a super genius intellect get along with nigh-irresistable sex appeal?

The expectations would be low, the tension palpable, and the sex Certa-Perfect…
(Oh, like I’d know either way…)

I’ll take the Wife of Bath option:

I’d find the One most amazingly sexy, interesting, and talented person of my preferred gender and ask that person to choose for me.

[MontgomeryScott] “…I’ll let ya Know…” [/MontgomeryScott]:wink:

I choose supergenius. Because it’d be awesome - there’s so much that I’d love to learn and do. Being hit on all the time would make me uncomfortable. The kind of guy I want to attract would hopefully be more interested in my intellect than my looks anyway.

Being super-smart will make me super rich. Sexiness follows naturally.

I would like to see this poll broken down by gender.

Pshaw. Surely all of those tiny, wizened, hideously ugly but very, very rich men are only seen in the company of those fantastically gorgeous women because of their fantastic personalities.

Or maybe they come with the yacht as kind of a package deal.

I’m presuming that we get to keep what God gave us in respect to the one we don’t choose. So I choose an upgrade in intelligence and keep my dazzling good looks just below Brad Pitt in his 20s awesome.

Me too. I bet most picking super-smart are guys.

I picked the hottie option. I can’t imagine that having a significantly higher IQ would bring me happiness rather than more frustration and depression. Now, as for being a hottie…I turn some heads now since I’m a redhead, but it’d be interesting to see what it’d be like to be really hot.

As for the possibility of attracting women too, so what? The lesbians I’ve known have almost all been less forward than men, and don’t waste too much time barking up the wrong trees, either.
Superhal, I hate to break it to you, but as rich as he is, most women still think Donald Trump is a troll.

I don’t really care for being super-smart - I assume I’d still find things like math and science very boring, so even if I understood them I wouldn’t want to make a career out of it or anything, but having out-of-this-world looks, coupled with the talent I believe I already have could really “take me places” as a songwriter/singer, therefore it makes sense for me to choose the looks option.