Wow. That's a for a Cardinal

From this article

*bolding mine

I will not snicker.
::glances around furtively for any nuns with rulers::

Hehehe. Cardinal Sin.

Groin, grin
Carnal sin
Pretty city
Gramma’s titty.

Piggly, wiggly
Bird bath, pie
Cat hips, fish lips
Poke you in the eye!


O, Dear Lord in Heaven, please inspire the conclae to elect this man Pope.
The SDMB would absolutley explode with all the Fred Phelps rantings of a Pope Sin I :smiley:

Awesome, Johnny L.A.. I didn’t think anyone would get that reference in a million years!


I liked him back when he was a vigilante. :smiley:

When I was at school one of the priests was called Father Sin. It was an endless source of merriment to us schoolboys.

Was it B. Kliban? I don’t recognize it directly, but it sounds like one of his strips. (The one that always runs through my head is the one that ends “A rubber ball. / A piece of string. / Sally tucks them in her thing.”)

Yep, Kliban :smiley:

Cardinal Sin has been a mainstay of Hong Kong English language wit and puns for many many years.

I recall a 60 Minutes interview with Cardinal Sin around the time that the Marcos regime in the Phillipines was overthrown. He described how annoying Imelda made herself, calling him for spiritual advice at all hours. Once she showed up on his doorstep late in the evening, and he claimed to have told her: “Madam, you can’t come in here! This is the House of Sin!”

If it isn’t true, it oughtta be…

One man’s mate is another man’s person.
