Wrist Pain

On and off for the past few years I would get pain in my wrists (The left one mostley). Usually, there would be pain if I put pressure on my palm (like when doing pushups). There would be no pain if I did pushups on my fists. It would last for a few weeks, and be gone for a month or two.

But a few days ago, it got worse (only my left. The right is fine). If I try to move my hand down (fingers towards wrist) it kills. Same if I move it up (as if to do a pushup). I do not have to put any pressure on it. Just moving it hurts. Also if I use my fingers (like taking the top off a bottle with just my fingers), I feel some pain in my wrist.

I also found that where the back of my hand and wrist meet, if I press down, it hurts. And there seems to be a small spot where it is numb there. I can feel that I am pressing there, but is a dull feeling.
I guess it is time to see a doctor about it. But I thought I woud see if anyone has had this happen to them before.
(and starting today I am using ice on it when I have the chance)

Sounds like some type of repetitive stress injury. Do you buy chance frequently a)type or b)hit things with a hammer at work?

Carpal-tunnel Syndrome is probably the most famous form of RSI but there are all kinds of other injuries with the same cause (repetitive motion). I have chronic “epicondylitis” which is “Tennis Elbow” and my wrists are weak in a way very similar to what you describe.

Which takes me to my last point: get to a doctor NOW. You need a physical therapist, or more accurately an Occupational Therapist (they specialize in the hand). I was told, as a rule of thumb, that the time it takes to recover is equal to the amount of time you felt the pain. I had been feeling my pain for years, and now it is a chronic condition.

I do use my hands alot at work, and at home. Not typing and hammers, but moving boxes, and a lot of small stuff with my hands (I am a line cook).

I am going to call my Dr. on Monday.

And PS. This pain is only in the back of my wrist/hand. I have heard that Carpal-tunnel and such things are in the front (side with the artery).

The Dr. said it is bursitis. He showed me how to wrap my hand and gave me celebrex. He told me if it is not getting better in a week to go for X-rays.

I had something similar. In my case, I think it was a ganglion cyst, although it might have been bursitis. I found relief by wearing a wrist-brace for a while. I’m glad you went to the doctor.

I just had surgery on Monday to treat “Blackberry Thumb” plus some. It was a pain to get a correct diagnosis because the first thing that comes to mind is Carpal Tunnel. It hasnt been fun - my wrist started grinding & popping and before that I would get a burning sensation from my wrist all the way up to my neck. Hopefully this surgery #3 will give me some relief.

That dosn’t sound very fun. I hope you recover from it ok.

thanks Man in Black

Dorky me stopped in mid-thought on the post (can I blame it on the pain?)

I meant to encourage you to get a good ortho if it persists. Some people have been fortunate with treatments as simple as wearing a brace - especially when sleeping. Any comfortable support wrap for your wrist would probably be a good idea. I really hope the find the problem and develope a course of action right away so it does not worsen & cause major probs. Those tears are often passed over as something else (or at least it was in my situation), so dont dismiss the possibility.

ohhhhh - pain med kickin in, time for nap! yay!

This site may be of some help.

Thank you