On and off for the past few years I would get pain in my wrists (The left one mostley). Usually, there would be pain if I put pressure on my palm (like when doing pushups). There would be no pain if I did pushups on my fists. It would last for a few weeks, and be gone for a month or two.
But a few days ago, it got worse (only my left. The right is fine). If I try to move my hand down (fingers towards wrist) it kills. Same if I move it up (as if to do a pushup). I do not have to put any pressure on it. Just moving it hurts. Also if I use my fingers (like taking the top off a bottle with just my fingers), I feel some pain in my wrist.
I also found that where the back of my hand and wrist meet, if I press down, it hurts. And there seems to be a small spot where it is numb there. I can feel that I am pressing there, but is a dull feeling.
I guess it is time to see a doctor about it. But I thought I woud see if anyone has had this happen to them before.
(and starting today I am using ice on it when I have the chance)
Sounds like some type of repetitive stress injury. Do you buy chance frequently a)type or b)hit things with a hammer at work?
Carpal-tunnel Syndrome is probably the most famous form of RSI but there are all kinds of other injuries with the same cause (repetitive motion). I have chronic “epicondylitis” which is “Tennis Elbow” and my wrists are weak in a way very similar to what you describe.
Which takes me to my last point: get to a doctor NOW. You need a physical therapist, or more accurately an Occupational Therapist (they specialize in the hand). I was told, as a rule of thumb, that the time it takes to recover is equal to the amount of time you felt the pain. I had been feeling my pain for years, and now it is a chronic condition.
I had something similar. In my case, I think it was a ganglion cyst, although it might have been bursitis. I found relief by wearing a wrist-brace for a while. I’m glad you went to the doctor.
I just had surgery on Monday to treat “Blackberry Thumb” plus some. It was a pain to get a correct diagnosis because the first thing that comes to mind is Carpal Tunnel. It hasnt been fun - my wrist started grinding & popping and before that I would get a burning sensation from my wrist all the way up to my neck. Hopefully this surgery #3 will give me some relief.
Dorky me stopped in mid-thought on the post (can I blame it on the pain?)
I meant to encourage you to get a good ortho if it persists. Some people have been fortunate with treatments as simple as wearing a brace - especially when sleeping. Any comfortable support wrap for your wrist would probably be a good idea. I really hope the find the problem and develope a course of action right away so it does not worsen & cause major probs. Those tears are often passed over as something else (or at least it was in my situation), so dont dismiss the possibility.