Writing critiques - Scribophile.com

Has anyone used this site before? I’m interested in posting my own work, as well as contributing by offering line-edits and critiques of others’ pieces.

I’ve been poking around, and maybe my bar is high, but most of the pieces I’ve seen posted are just not particularly good. It’s much harder to offer a meaningful critique of a piece that’s difficult to read, full of errors, fundamentally flawed, or just plain boring.

The site has an interesting “karma” system, in which members have to acquire points by contributing critiques to others before posting their own work. Saves on the drive-bys, I suppose. It seems to be quite an investment of time, in that it takes me quite a while to provide even fairly short crits.

Here’s the link if you want to check it out: www.scribophile.com You do have to sign up for a (free) membership to really see the nuts and bolts, though.