Writing for National Geographic

I’ve looked over the NG website, but cannot find anything there about becoming a writer there. I was wondering if anyone knew the employment type (is it freelance or staffed), and also the best way to get your foot in the door. I’m a year from graduation w/ a major in Creative Writing, and minors in both Journalism and Geography. Would this background paired with strong samples of my own writing be desireable?

All I can say is that I know that they both have staff writers and freelance writers. The most recent issue had a story by some freelance guy (I don’t remember which article, but they mention it in the editor’s note at the beginning).

I’d assume NG has the same policies with freelancers that any magazine does: you query them with your idea for an article, including any clips of your work that might be relevant. (Your background is not particularly relevant unless you plan to include it specifically in your article.) Magazines prefer clips from published material, though a school paper might do for a beginner.

They will either reject you, or send you a contract. The former is always more likely.

If you become a regular freelancer with them, they might consider putting you on the staff, but I wouldn’t expect that for a very long time, if at all.

I’ve sent several articles on New England stone walls to treehouses and they (NG) has yet to bite. The Treehouses one the person who sent the rejection did mention I had some good pics of some spectacular treehouses…and that they would be looking for a more comprehensive (nationwide) article on them…

I have an old college buddy who works in the senior circle at NG, and he said NG is absolutely “swamped” with story pitches from writers highly accomplished and just starting out. NG is among the world’s premier publications, meaning they want the best of the best talent. For a newbie to get serious recognition, the pitch would presumably have to be something exceptional, noteworthy, developed, and they would want to see a portfolio demonstrating your ability to deliver first-rate products. Doable, but you really have to be on your game.

And you didn’t immediately say, “I plan to go on a tour of some major treehouses across the country starting next month. Are you still interested?”?

I don’t supposed you could share some of these before your inevitable superstar writing career ignites?

I’m going to go out on a limb here, and say what no one else will…

Why not ask THEM!!!

Why is a guest member asking the SDMB rather than NG?

And before anyone castigates me for being rude, if you are trying to fight ignorance, start at the source.

OK, I apologize.
Someone else did say the same thing; less concise, more polite.