WTF do you people have against Mary Jo Kopechne?

Why can’t you just let there be a thread about her? What is the harm in that?

I was not pitting anyone. I was saying that it was sad what happened to her.

I mean seriously are your liberal icons that sacred to you?


Yes. Now, will you please move on?

Unless you have been starting a memorial thread on every anniversary of her death, you’re just using her memory to show your hatred for a particular politician.

As much as I thought Senator Kennedy was, in many ways, a despicable person, he also did a great deal of good and did seem to try to do the right thing as a Senator.

IMHO, the only reason you started yet another thread about her in IMHO was to get in yet another Kennedy dig. Let’s be honest here-would you give a shit about the poor girl if Kennedy(or any other Evil Librul) hadn’t been involved in her death?

Against her personally? Nothing.
What do I have against people who make cowardly second hand attacks disguised as threads lamenting her death? Do I really need to spell it out?

Yet another Kennedy dig. You want to show evidence that I’ve been getting Kennedy digs in in the past? Do you have some evidence that I have animosity against any Kennedys?

Yeah, Liberal you’re right fuck it. The blind partisanship has reached new heights or lows or whatever. I’m out of energy for it.

Have you read the “Why was MSWAS warned” thread?

Closing this. I sincerely hope you’re out of energy. I’m pretty tired myself.