WW2 Airman Found Frozen In Glacier

On Serling’s Twilight Zone, he’d revive, confront modern life, & crawl back into the glacier to sleep until better times arrive.

In a comic book, he’d thaw out & become a member of the Avengers.

Sadly, this is reality.


Attempts will be made to remove & identify his body.

Why didn’t the Army Air Corps do this decades ago? It seems as if they didn’t know he was there. :dubious:

I head this on the radio today and immediately flashed to that Jeep (I think?) commercial talking about the comfort zones, and the two guys in front and the eskimo frozen in the block of ice in the back.

It is interesting to note that he was found still strapped into his parachute. I wonder if he survived the crash only to freeze to death on the mountain? :eek:

I doubt that he would leave his chute on. He probable died on impact.

How would he (and it sounds like the plane, too, based on the story) end up encased in ice like that? Where would that much water come from? Or is it more a case of creep, with a little bit of ice building up at time?

He landed high in the Sierras and has been snowed on for 63 years.

zagloba is right-- he was probably quickly buried by snow. If the ice had only slowly enveloped him, he would have decayed.

Nor do I think it likely he lived after the crash to freeze to death. In that scenario, surely he would have taken his parachute out of the pack and wrapped himself in it for warmth.

Poor fella. I wonder if any of his family are still living?

Was the Super-Soldier Serum intact, at least?

<Bosda, who respects the Generation That Saved The World, slaps CandidGamera with a wet trout >


He has skin, hair, teeth, a parachute, a sweater and flying underwear. No sign of dogtags yet. They say they’re going to have to thaw him reeeeeeal slow, then start searching for next-of-kin - if any. So it may be a long time before he pops up in the news again.