WWII homing pigeon with coded message found in Bletchingley, Surrey.
What’s the message say?
WWII homing pigeon with coded message found in Bletchingley, Surrey.
What’s the message say?
“Send more pigeons!”
Considering the pigeon was found in a chimney:
“Send blankets. Very cold. Even pigeons are freezing…”
Now we know where all the dead pigeons go.
What does the message say? * “Roast in 350 degree oven for 15 minutes. Season to taste.”*
“May 12, 1942. A member of Hitler’s security detail will assassinate him for cash. Reply to box #3472 if interested.”
From the linked article: “About three handfuls of rubbish later, down came the leg with the red capsule on it, with a message inside. Unbelievable.”
“It was like Christmas,” his wife said"
Holidays at their house must be grand.
“If I can’t get this capsule off my leg, I’m gonna die in this fucking chimney.”
Paging Captain Ridley’s Shooting Party!
Wash. Biol. Surv.
It was like Christmas?
“Well, we had asked Santa for a pigeon with meat still on it, but he’s a busy fella”, said the starving homeowner. “Still, maybe we can suck some marrow out of the bones.”
This story is getting a lot of press. They think the message was intended for RAF Bomber Command, because the addressee code was “XO2”, but they don’t yet know the conents.
BTW, has anybody ever heard of RAF bombers carrying pigeons to return to England if the bomber was shot down. I’ve never read that and I’ve been reading WWII histories all my life. Can a pigeon even survive being tossed out of a 150 mph plane? Is it supposed to struggle out of the crushed and burning wreckage on the ground and them return home with the sad news? Which crewman had the job of releasing the pigeon before saving himself? Color me skeptical.
Unfortunately, this very story is making a Google search about the history problematic. Searching for WWII carrier pigeons and bombers is hitting on tons of news stories to wade through.
Long time passing…
Gone to chimneys, every one…
Damn that’s some bad phrasing- ‘the preserved pigeon bones of a bird’, are they sure it wasn’t the pigeon bones of a kipper?
127 Hours the Prequel?
“Remains of WWII Homing Pigeon Found”
Correct & re-deliver.
With a different bird.
“Secret treasure hoard of A.H. found in Poland. Location to follow.”
well, the secret is a little more complex than that…
Preheat oven to 450 degrees F (230 degrees C).
Rub pigeons with 1 tablespoon of the olive oil. Lightly season hens with salt and pepper.
Place 1 lemon wedge and 1 sprig rosemary in cavity of each pigeon. Arrange in a large, heavy roasting pan, and arrange garlic cloves around pigeon s. Roast in preheated oven for 25 minutes.
Reduce oven temperature to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). In a mixing bowl, whisk together wine, chicken broth, and remaining 2 tablespoons of oil; pour over pigeons. Continue roasting about 25 minutes longer, or until pigeons are golden brown and juices run clear. Baste with pan juices every 10 minutes.
Transfer pigeons to a platter, pouring any cavity juices into the roasting pan. Tent pigeons with aluminum foil to keep warm. Transfer pan juices and garlic cloves to a medium saucepan and boil until liquids reduce to a sauce consistency, about 6 minutes. Cut pigeons in half lengthwise and arrange on plates. Spoon sauce and garlic around pigeons. Garnish with rosemary sprigs, and serve.
…but it does of course explain why there were no pigeons left to use in the next conflict.
Dastardly and Muttley will be pleased.
“Send three and fourpence. We are going to a dance.”