I know from previous threads on the subject there are some old plane and warbird enthusiasts on the Dope. I thought this might interest you. Disclaimer: I have no connection with the museum or the restoration. I follow the museum on Facebook, saw the story and contributed to the campaign.
The Mid-Atlantic Air Museum in Reading PA is restoring a P-61 Black Widow to flying condition. The project has been ongoing for decades. There are currently only 4 existing P-61s left and all the others are static display only. They are restoring this one to flying condition.
Here is a link to the kickstarter campaign. They have done quite a bit of work already but need help with the next phase. I have been to the museum a few times (more on that later) and I have seen the restoration. They are doing a fantastic job. It is such a unique plane and I remember fondly building the model when I was a kid. I would love to see it flying. Even if you don’t want to contribute, on the kickstarter page they have an interesting 4 minute video about the plane and the project.
While we are on the subject of warbirds I thought some might like to know about the big event they have at the museum. Every year on the first weekend in June they have their WWII weekend. A very large number of warbirds flying. Lots of reenactments and equipment that you can see up close. If you have the cash you can buy rides in the planes. I’ve been a few times and hope to go again but I don’t know if I’ll be able to make it this year. Last year I met Bill Guarnere from Band of Brothers there. To me just being able to see a Corsair fly in person is worth the price of admission.
So like I said earlier I have no connection with the campaign beyond throwing in a few bucks but I thought there would be a few here who would find it interesting.
Damn right. Looks like a light bomber but its actually a fighter designed for night fighting. The size was needed for the bulky radar equipment of the day. Only 750 were made.
When I originally asked permission to post this I was told I could bump it. So here I am in case someone who might be interested missed it before. They have one week to go and are about 70% funded. As I said before other than throwing a few bucks in myself, I have no involvement in the project. It would be a shame if the don’t make the goal.
Very interesting, and quite an undertaking. I posted those links to a special interest forum that I participate in that has a high percentage of USAF pilots, vets and private pilots that would likely be interested and willing to donate.
I also put it on Pinterest. Hope that’s OK to say here.
Sure. It really depends on who does the restoration. I’d sooner fly something like this than a new plane that has had really bad (or no) maintenance done on it.
It’s not that hard to find examples of newish aircraft that have thundered in because the airline couldn’t or wouldn’t front the upkeep.