x-ray vision, bring your nasty-ass here

Well, the thing is gobear that you can’t cuss those people out since they are being “nice”, after all. But we CAN cuss out the obvious bastards. There’s nothing nice about being called a nigger or “a little monkey”.


Absolutely agreed, Monstro.

Race threads are always contentious. The thing that gets me is that these days you can’t even have a “regular” contentious discussion without some Stormfuck asshole fucking up the conversation.
There is a GD thread I was thinking about starting sparked by a thread in Cafe Society about the pulling of The Song of the South from general circulation by Disney. But I’ve rethought starting it just yet. It is in this way those drooling idiots stifle real dialog. I did try to keep the “ghetto dwelling” thread on track back on page two, but it is hard for me have a discussion while someone is shouting “you lazy criminal!!!” in my ear.

Nya, nya, nya nya nya X-ray. I got more howlers than you did! I love the way, with a little prompting, some people just spin out like those ground bloom flower pinwheel fireworks. They say General Washington could cuss a man up and down for 5 solid minutes without once repeating himself, but these highbrows are jumping right forFUCK, ASSHOLE, HOMOPHOBE, RACIST , I mean, there’s no *ART * to it, no ingenuity I wonder if many of them are all one guy; a gay black muslim satanist with a laptop and an axe to grind.

Sorry Virgo, this is a thread for X-Ray. You already have a pit thread for showcasing your imbecilic nature, no need to deprive someone else of their’s by trying to prove yourself to be a bigger moron. And do try to work on a post with a little more coherency to it next time, hmm? Your non-sensical rantings here in the pit are quite possibly even more lacking than your drive-by unsupported rantings in GD.

TBanned is indeed the correct form of reference; it is the class from which the objects TTroll, TArseWit and TSockPuppet derive their basic property sets.

No, but many of them DO hate trolls. Goodbye.

For the Straight Dope

This x-ray character appears to be somewhat of a twat. But I disagree with minty, I think you should engage it in conversation for then you will draw out it’s true thoughts. It is always better to know a thing for what it is than to second-guess.

Also the more you draw out it’s true thoughts the shorter the time it will be here. Allow it to hang itself by it’s own words, that’s always the sweetest way.

When I first read the “most blacks are lazy” remark yesterday my jaw dropped in disbelief. If this guy were to lose 2 brain cells then he’d find himself in negative equity. He’d need to be butt-naked in order to count to 21.

What a fool.

Very true, gobear. It’s kind of ironic that with all Bush’s, err, colourful turns of phrase, the one that will most likely make it into Bartlet’s is the one about “the soft bigotry of low expectations.” It perfectly sums up this attitude. Odd and unsettling that it took so long for someone to memorably label this behavior.

On a slight hijack regarding Cosell, I’ve never read anything suggesting he was actually a racist. It’s ironic that, while the clever racist is on guard enough to keep their language PC, someone who hasn’t got a racist bone in their body may make highly “offensive” remarks simply because they don’t think in terms of race.

I think you’re giving this guy too much credit, he’d need to be butt-naked and in posession of a microscope in order to count to 21.

Thanks, Lynn.