The cheat codes for Morrowind: (Works in both regular edition and GOTY.)
For refilling your life bar: black, white, black, black, black. Press A until bar is full.
For refilling Magica: Black, white, white, black, white, black. Press A until bar is full.
For refilling energy: black, black, white, white, black. Press A until bar is full. [/spoiler]
Sell all your weapons to The Creeper in Caldera (he’s in Ghorak Manor, on the second floor.) He pays full price for them. I suggest putting a Mark spell on the spot right in front of him, because when you’re overloaded, you can recall right in front of him and sell all of your heavy weapons. He also buys Dwarven and Dwemer items, potions and dishes (forks, knives, plates, bottles.)
Good places to steal when you’re first starting out and are broke:
–Caldera, Ghorak Manor. On the very top floor, there’s an orc who has boxes of armor and weapons. All he does is yell at you if you steal them (you don’t get reported.) Up in the rafters, there’s a sword and a pile of gold. (Jump on the rock to see up there.)
– Caldera Mage’s Guild. You can go in there and go to the back of the building where there’s a door. Open it, and then close it behind you. Clean the place out. Sell all that stuff to the lady who runs the shop called The White Haven in Balmora. (She has the most money of any apothecary.)
– Aid-Ruhn. First, steal and sell all the weapons in the crates in the guard towers. You have to wait until the guard goes downstairs to do this. Then, after you’ve stole and sold all of that, go into the Manor District. In every manor, look for the guard’s quarters. They have expensive clothes and amulets that you can sell to the clothes shop that’s on the bottom floor of the Manor District.
Where to get the ultra-cool items:
–Balmora Mage’s guild. Join, and run two missions for the Kajhit near the teleportation pad. (One is collecting flowers and the other is collecting mushrooms. IIRC, you can find both of these things at Seyada Neen.) The third thing she asks you to do is to plant a fake soul gem in Galbradir’s desk on the top floor. Galbradir will walk away, and if you catch her on the ramp and talk to her, that’s where she’ll stay, permenantly. Steal all of the soul gems off of her desk-- they’re really powerful. When you get a very high-damage weapon (I wouldn’t do it with anything lower than a glass sword) you can take the soul gem to an enchanter and have the sword made magical. Note: DO NOT try to do this in Balmora, where you stole the gems from-- they’ll expell you and try to kill you for stealing from them. Go to Aid-Ruhn to have it done. It’s really expensive when you have the Grand Soul Gems, so choose wisely which weapon you’ll enchant.
–Powerful swords. After you’ve got your combat ratings up to, say, forty or so, you can start going to the Daedric shrines all over Morrowind. There are Golden saints there, and Dremora Lords, both of whom usually have kick-ass weapons that are yours after you kill them. Save before every battle, because if you don’t like the weapon they had, you can reload, and they’ll usually have a different one. (Saints usually have glass weapons, Dremora usually have ebony.) Soon, you’ll have more awesome weapons than you know what to do with. (You can summon a Dremora when you’re inside the shrine by stealing something off of the altar.)
More on theft (you can see how I played the game!):
– Sometimes, you’ll have to buy weapons from The Creeper to give him enough money to buy the stuff you just brought in. (He has five thousand, but many swords cost a lot more than that.) Buy back enough stuff to cover the cost of what you want to sell him, then hit the black button and “wait” twenty-four hours. Then start selling back the stuff you bought. You may have to do a couple of days worth, depending on what you had to buy.
–If you don’t want to sell the stuff right away, you can just drop it on the floor of the room he’s in-- none of the other NPCs will bother it.
–If you’ve been caught stealing, recall back to the Creeper, and drop all of your stuff on the floor before you go outside, that way it’s not seized when the cops catch you.
–If you enchant a sword, suddenly it’s not stolen merchandise any more. Likely, you’ll get extras of all your equipment, but you can use the low-level Soul Gems to enchant armor or other items you don’t want to lose if you get arrested for some reason. (Hey, accidents happen. I’ve stolen by accident when I was wanting to talk to an NPC but clicked on a surrounding item.)
If you have any questions, feel free to ask them.