Someone grabbed me the XCOM expansion Enemy Within for Christmas, so I’ve got back into the game. I played a normal/ironman mode through the new content - and I like it, solid expansion.
But I wanted something deeper. So I’m trying out The Long War. It’s a mod that redesigns the whole game for significantly more strategic depth.
Here’s the wiki and a few articles about it.
There are hundreds of changes, but the gist of it is: the aliens turn into a strategic faction with its own tools and goals. They have to try to subvert countries, gather resources, research new technologies/alien types, and your actions can affect their ability to do this. So instead of basically a story-mode series of campaign in the vanilla games, it’s two factions playing a strategy game against each other. You won’t be able to stop every alien activity, you’ll have to pick your fight and strike them in the most efficient way. It changes the way you approach missions - often having to pass on them for various reasons - rather than treating them all as stepping stones along the campaign.
It significantly deepens the soldiers. More stats, more classes, three abilities to choose from per rank, rather than 1-2, each subclass gets its own MEC with unique abilities. It has an officer system in which most soldiers are enlisted but you can bring along an officer to give some sort of squad bonus. But you have limited resources with which to train officers. The RPG element to assembling and training your soldiers is far deeper than the superficial choices given to you in the base game.
There’s depth to the interceptor component. You have individual pilots who can gain skill with kills, different levels of aggression for pursuing UFOs, and I think more depth to the module in general, but I haven’t gotten too far with it yet.
You have way more in the way of gear choices. A lot of class abilities like battle scanner and smoke grenade become inventory items, and you start with two items per soldier. There are 5 tiers of weapons (instead of the vanilla game’s bullets/lasers/plasma) and within each tier there are different types of weapons with different tradeoffs. For example a submachine gun might give you more movement points than an assault rifle, but does less damage and depletes its magazine faster.
Psionics plays a role earlier in the game and a lot of psionic abilities were added.
You can have up to 12 soldiers on missions, but soldiers suffer realistic wound recovery times (a guy that’s gravely wounded might take 6+ weeks to get back into action) and there’s a battle fatigue system that keeps you from simply taking your best 6 guys in mission after mission. You may end up rotating 40+ troops in battle. Soldier management becomes its own resource intensive component. The game moves slower in general - research takes longer, you gain fewer resources from missions, etc.
They also made it hard as hell. Some enemy types have been buffed significantly, and the AI seems to be a lot smarter, going for better positioning and flanking a lot more often. Some aliens were made a lot tougher, like sectoids getting psi panic, outsiders having 10 hp with 3hp per turn regen, thin men have 5 hp which makes them significantly harder to handle in the early game. Soldiers have to pass panic checks more often, and one of their teammates failing a panic check gives everyone else a panic check. My first time out I actually failed the little intro mission that you get after you select your continent - my soldiers were facing some sectoids who panicked my troops, flanked them, and slaughtered them. I had to restart the game and pick the “cinematic mode” second wave option - not quite sure why it’s called that, it’s just a straight +15 to hit buff for your soldiers - because it’s very hard even with that.
Anyway, I’m just getting started, and I was wondering if anyone else has played it or wants to give it a try. If you like the premise of XCOM, but thought the strategy elements and soldier customization/specialization was too shallow, this would be right up your alley.
I think they have a version for just enemy unknown, without the expansion, but they stopped supporting it a few versions back. It’s better if you have enemy within - then you just run the installer from my first link.