XKCD Web Comic

(possibly a CS-ish thread as well)

I’ve been reading this web comic for a while, and don’t think I’ve seen any references to it here on the boards yet.

This (xkcd.com) is hands-down one of my favorite comics. Kinda (well, very) geeky, clever, introspective, inspiring, and funny (not always all at the same time).

The link above takes you to the most current comic. If you have some down time in the day, I recommend clicking on “first,” and going through them in order.

Some highlights include:
[li]Words that end in GRY[/li][li]Playing Devil’s Advocate to Win[/li][li]Beliefs[/li][li]Grownups[/li][li]Join Myspace[/li][li]Music Knowledge[/li][li]Graduation[/li][li]Centrifugal Force[/li][/ul]

Anyone else read this comic?

Whoops! The Grownups link should be this.

Yes, I’m a huge fan of this strip. Particularly the really geeky ones.

I hadn’t seen this comic before, but I absolutely love it. I had a two hour break at school and went through the archive and it was amazing. Thank you, Eonwe for this interesting site to enjoy!
