What is the difference between booting up XP in Safe Mode and Diagnostic Startup?
My PC has started to spontaneously reboot after ~ 5 mins, followed by an endless cycle of rebooting before it reaches the logon stage. I can boot into Safe Mode and it works fine but if I use msconfig to set it to Diagnostic Startup - i.e. only essential services loaded, I get the same problem.
What is happening in Diagnostic mode which is not happening in Safe Mode. If I know that maybe I can find the problem.
I used msconfig to stop all services except those which run under Safe Mode. I also tried disabling SYSTEM.INI and WIN.INI. i.e. I tried to get it to boot in Normal Mode in as close a state as possible to Safe Mode. There is practically nothing left. Still the darn thing wont work. I want to know what the difference is between Safe Mode and Normal Startup with everything off.