Yappidy yap yappidy yap. And God bless America

Amen to that, Brother! I accept the fact that politicians are going to screw me over and lie to me. I can live with that, but…

Do Not Screw With Me and My NBA!!!

especially during the playoffs

Sometimes I say to my wife, “With what we spend renting DVDs every month, we could probably afford to get cable AND HBO.”

Then I remember why that’s a bad idea. Thanks, Liberal!

Liberal, just make sure you don’t unplug your TV set. You wouldn’t want Jeb Bush to slap you with an Injunction…

Just for the sake of consistency I think the rules should be the same for televised addresses as for Bush’s public appearances. They should be made available only to Republicans in good standing who already agree with the president. On pay-per-view, say.

And Eve, for some reason I misread your casting choice for DeLay as Gary Coleman. Which, off-Broadway, it probably would be, unless the part went to a Muppet.

Unplug the TV. Don’t make it suffer any more. :smiley:
As for me, I have a DVD player and a whole boxed set of Monty Python to watch. Overall, it will have more relevance and more intelligent discourse than anything Fearless Leader has to say.

Who doesn’t have cable news networks? Is this for the last 20 people who do have a tv but only have rabbit ears?

/not a GWB hater, don’t care what he has to say, either.

At first I was pretty upset about this too. Then I realized that I live on the West Coast so the speech will be on at 5:30 here. Then I didn’t care.


::clap, clap, clap::


So, didn’t the recent polls suggest the majority of Americans don’t want him to do the private account thingy anyways? Why does he keep trying to sell this to us? I’m sure he’s just doing this because his poll numbers are sinking. After along day in the office, the last thing I want to see is ol’ chimpy blubbering over kindergarten-level english twisting our arms into something we have said no to a thousand times.

I guess I’ll throw back a couple beers before the big event, numb the pain and embarassment a little.

Ah, Americans! We’re so self-centred and pleasure-oriented that we get all bent out of shape if we miss a bloody TV programme! No time to follow National Events! Certainly no time to care about them! We want our bread and circuses! We want to suckle on the Glass Teat! Aiyiyi. No wonder the rest of the world thinks we’re shallow! :smack:

[sub]Of course, I would much rather watch Survivor than watch Monkey Boy trying to speak. I’d be pissed of too, if the one show that I make it a point to watch were pre-empted by something as trivial – and it is trivial, National Policy notwithstanding; it doesn’t need to be in Prime Time – as what Ook-Ook is going to talk about. If the news is earthshattering, by all menas, pre-empt! If it’s something that can be encapsulated on CNN, then do it there.[/sub]

Yes, but he’s been selling this to “town hall meetings” packed with Bush supporters and strap-hangers. They all do the bobble-head thing whilst sucking his dick and he thinks he has a fucking mandate, even though his numbers are tanking and most people want him to leave it the fuck alone.

If only we had all stuck together and voted him off the island…

After three of the four networks said they were going to blow off the infomercial and run their normal schedule, the White House has now changed the time of Chimpy’s speech from 8:30 to 8:00 EDT. Now they all say they’re going to cover it. It houldn’t screw with The Apprentice but I guess that means Survivor will get knocked back an hour.

I still think it’s disgraceful that networks are covering this at all. It isn’t news, it’s just a partisan pitch for the GOP agenda.

::standing ovation::

I have the whole goddamn thing on mute, and my mp3 player pumped up.

I’m so glad to be on the west coast. Won’t miss a thing.

And as much as I don’t want to hear about his stupid SS plan, it might be worth seeing if someone sneaks a couple of real questions in. You know, like reporters used to ask.

I’m so glad to be on the west coast. Won’t miss a thing.

And as much as I don’t want to hear about his stupid SS plan, it might be worth seeing if someone sneaks a couple of real questions in. You know, like reporters used to ask, such as “Why are you still pushing this stupd idea when the majority of americans want no part of it”. That kind of stuff.

A post so nice s/he said it twice!

You will be envious to learn that local channel 9 stayed with the Angels-Yankees games and did not cut away for the press conference.


I did switch back and forth during the commercial breaks. I swear, it looks like someone is feeding him answers through an earpiece. That, or just changes gears mid-sentence.

Survivor and Apprentice? The best prime-time TV? That’s it, as soon as Enterprise is over, I’m disconnecting the rabbit-ears.

Curse you hippie left coasters! >_<

I was going to be able to do some ninja tivoing and watch Survivor, The Apprentice, and the Mavs/Houston game tonight. Now it’s all screwed up!

This is the official straight line setting up the big boffo punch line.

“So, I missed it. What did he have to say?”