Yappidy yap yappidy yap. And God bless America


How about: “I watched the whole thing twice; I was hoping you could tell me!” (rimshot)

I was wondering that too. Did the Mangler-in-Chief make it worthwhile? Did the Liberal News Establishment make it worthwhile?

Mr. Rilch and I were paying our cable bill. Naturally, the cable office has TVs everywhere. But they were on mute, and the staff couldn’t or wouldn’t turn up the volume for me.

So I called my mom.

“Why is Bush on the TV?”

“Because he stole the election.”

“[sigh]What is he talking about, right now?”

“Social Security.”

“…He interrupted everything for that?”

:smiley: I’d not have sighed at her - I like that answer!

Am I the only one who’s slightly nonplussed to discover that our erudite Liberal enjoys reality TV so much?

I am assuming it was Eastern Time, as I didn’t miss a minute of Survivor.

Now, look- if the prez is declaring war or sumthin- sure, go ahead and pre-empt anything and everything. But to make a pitch for his Soc Sec plan- there’s no hurry on that one, dude. :rolleyes: :mad:

One about a lawless society and the other about unprincipled avarice?

“BUSHIT! Steamin’ hot bushit! Plenty fer everyone! Come 'n git it!”

Strange, over here in the UK our (similarly odious) politicians tell us their policies either in a democratic debate or on news interviews, where they have to answer questions and interact with thinking human beings.

It seems that your chap is only ever required to read teleprompters and listen to applause. And even then, you pick a guy who can barely read.

Lib, I emailed this to my mom and she says she laughed all the way through it.

This Year’s Model: Yes, it is funny, but I was too anxious, thinking something was really wrong. Also, I’ve posted before about my mom’s extreme antipathy towards Dubya, to the point where she misses out on other news stories because she’s constantly switching channels to avoid seeing/hearing him. To me, it’s just a bit tired.

I’m just glad this Godless, liberal, Democrat who’s out to destroy religion in America had plans for the evening. I was at choir practice.

Actually, though, the church did lose power right around 8:00 and choir practice was abandoned around 8:30, instead of running for another hour as usual. I’ll let you fill in your own paranoid interpretation, especially since it’s a notoriously liberal church! :smiley:


I went to bed early–really early.

Jeebus-what did W want with us now?

Were there complete thoughts? Did he finish a sentence? How was his syntax?

Do I really want to know?

off to work, now…

Okay, we watched it. Well tried to, between yelling at the TV and laughing as he got his ass handed to him by some of the reporters. I know some of you righties might disagree, but he did really poorly. I was hoping for a little more honesty from him, but ah well, it IS a politician after all. :wink:

He really showed just how clueless he really is.

I’m one of the last 20, then. I refuse to spend that much money for something I’d hardly take advantage of, anyway.

(Plus I’m afraid that if I got cable, I’d get addicted to the History Channel and Food Network. I spend too much time being sedentary, anyway.)


Brutus and Starving Artist will gladly seize upon your observation as “proof” that the “liberal media” is out to grind down poor ol’ innocent Georgie…

12:30 PM Yesterday: Check Digital Cable box to confirm Survivor. 8-9, check. Set VCR.

1:00 PM Yesterday: Go to work.

9:00 PM Yesterday: Come home from work. Enjoy nice dinner with girlfriend.

11:00 PM Yesterday: Retire to the living room for a little Viewtiful Joe.


10:00 AM This Morning: Sit down to watch a relaxing episode of Survivor on my day off.

10:01 AM This Morning: FUCK!

10:02 AM This Morning: Go to SDMB to see if it will be reaired only to discover my charter membership has expired.

10:03 AM This Morning: Did I mention FUCK?
