Yeah, I have a recommendation: drown your children and shoot yourself. Thanks!

Grumble grumble damn you for making the joke I was gonna make grumble grumble…

Well, for more tales like the OP’s (albeit in a slightly different type of store), exit that way…door’s to your left.

Gord’s a bit of a dick.

I remember reading a story one time (Readers Digest?) where a customer stormed into the video store and loudly demanded a refund for The King and I because, “I watched this whole thing, and there’s nothing about Elvis in it anywhere.”

That’s what makes it fun!

My video store friends told me that several times, they had customers come in with complaints like this:

Customer: I want my money back. Half my movie’s missing.
Clerk: Oh no! Does it stop playing halfway through?
Customer: No
Clerk: Is the sound okay? The video?
Customer: yes, it’s fine
Clerk: So what do you mean, half the movie is missing?
Customer: There are big black bars on the top of the screen and the bottom. It only takes up the middle half of my TV screen. Where’s the other half? I want my money back!
Clerk: oh those are called letterboxes, you’re actually seeing MORE of your movie than you would have without them -
Customer: All I know is that I can’t see what’s on half the screen!
Clerk: it’s a premium feature, you’re actually getting the full picture like in a theatre, because normally when you play a movie on your TV they have to cut the picture down to fit - oh, never mind.

So they gave the money back, and every time someone bought a letterboxed movie in the future, they would go out of their way to explain how it worked to the customet.

I thought it would be this? Aren’t they from roughly around the same time period, give or take? (Set in, I mean, not made)

This thread tells me again that I’m glad I work at the science center, with only three movies* to reccomend. (At the Omnimax). Occassionally, we’ll get some moron who doesn’t believe we’re NOT showing 300, Spiderman 3 or Harry Potter. Why would I lie? Do you think I’m somehow trying to LOSE business?

Or when people get mad and say-“But someone’s friend’s cousin said it was here!!!” Or “I read it in the paper!” :rolleyes: :dubious: (Still they’re fun to laugh at when we hang up.)

Or, the time my coworker got a call from some guy and when he kept asking if we played “movie-movies” and said, “WHAAAA?” Hee hee!

*Sometimes a few more. But except for once in a blue moon, they’re all documentaries. Really good ones, though. I HIGHLY reccomend Wired to Win and Deep Sea. Roving Mars sucks.

I worked in a movie theater one summer, and we had people complain all the time about the fact that foreign films and domestic ones with foreign language scenes were subtitled and not dubbed. People would seriously throw fits over the fact that they had to “read” the film. :rolleyes: :eek:

OK, I’ll bite. What’s “Yrup”?

Huh. I rather liked it. The sequence with the rocket going up was so totally awesome.

Ah, Europe, of course.

Excellent recommendation, and a nice all-purpose answer for this question. Obscure enough that not a lot of people have seen it, not a lot of sex, a little bit of violence, a little bit of cursing, and a great story. Plus it’s a gateway to several other movies if the renters like it. Make a note, y’all. :slight_smile:

And here I was going to recommend this film.

I just did. :slight_smile:

Is it FABulous?


This threw me for a minute, before I realized I had House of Games confused with House of Cards. Which sucked.

But House of Games goes in my Netflix queue. Which means I should see it in about a year and a half.

Actually, I don’t remember what the film was. But if my memory had to throw a dart, it would probably hit that movie.

In fact, it was the one thing that every clerk in the store could heartily endorse. Except Ali. His choice was always Encino Man.


For those who didn’t see it, the shot of the rocket launching is completely, utterly phallic.

Berlin Alexanderplatz.

Huh. To me it resembled not so much a penis as it did a rocket.

But you were thinking penis, you say? Interesting… :wink:

LOL. It has all of the elements mentioned before and yes it is FABulous… :smiley: