yeah . . . so . . . I'm new . . . uh . . . hi.

I think this is the right time to break in the camel. Or maybe even the giraffe, although that might just be cruel.

Hi wiggumpuppy! Welcome to the SDMB.

The sexual urge of the camel
Is greater than anyone thinks,
For 'tis recorded that once in a fit of wild passion
One tried to rape the Sphinx.

But the Sphinx’s posterior opening
Was clogged by the sands of the Nile,
Which accounts for the hump on the camel
And the Sphinx’s inscrutable smile!


:: splosh splosh splosh thud ::

Welcome, wiggumpuppy!

Sorry for being a bit late to this thread, I was a bit…“busy”. :slight_smile:


blorp blorp bubble

:: ponders ::

I guess you could call it “bait”.

Ooooo…tough guy, huh? Ok boys, screw the goat (no…wait…rephrase)…never mind the goat! Bring out the llama!

Oh, and welcome! :smiley:

I say we butter up the crodocile. These southern guys have already met and gret lotsa goats, and the crocodile is bored and yawns a lot. Besides, if she ends up with fertile eggs, consider the possibilities.

PS —our chihuahua, ChiliDog, is the official WigglePup™. You’ll have to consult with her if your doggie wants to open a franchise.

Sorry, I had them…

wiggumpuppy, did you bring pie? I like pie…

Sorry…me like pie…

But ey only just arrived! Ey hasn’t had time to come back yet!

Wiggumpuppy- Can I just call you Ralph? It’s the first thing I thought of when I read your name. Anyways, that you are following my lead is scary in itself, talk about the blind leading the blind. the hazing isn’t as bad as everyone makes it out to be, and as evidenced in my coming out post, pie does go quite a long way around here. Welcome!

BTW… did I break the goat?

Kat - you may want to ask Giraffe before you start using him in the intiation… just saying…

Welcome. It so nice to hear someone who speaks rhaat amongst all these Yankees.

Who you callin’ a Yankee? :mad:

I may have been born in California, but it was by Gawd Southern California!

BTW, Ted? Have you seen **Giraffe’**s sig line? He likes initiations!

welcome wiggumpuppy.

You can wander around here as much as you like but some doors are reserved for the next level of commitment. Feed the hamsters and you will know fear. Speaking of which, how’s the therapy coming Kythereia?

You only think that, because what you got was the Guest Hazing with the smallest, gentlest goat we’ve got. Once you pony up the bucks, you get the Paid In Full Hazing, which is much, much. . .more intense.

Welcome, wiggumpuppy.

I knew there was just something waaaayyyy too easy about that…

Yo and welcome

Atlanta you say…

I’m actually considering thinking about maybe moving there. Any suggestions on where is a good cheap area of the city?

The cheapest part of Atlanta is in Tennessee. Ba dump ba! Tss.

It really depends on what you’re after. If you’re moving here because of a job and really don’t feel the need to “experience” Atlanta, then you’ll definitely want to live near where you’ll be working, as -you might have heard- traffic is a bitch here. If you want to be in-town, or almost in-town, then expect to pay at least $700/mo for a single bedroom apartment (low but liveable end). If you’re looking to buy, you’d have a hard time finding suitable housing “inside the perimter” for less than $200,000 for a 2-3 bedroom house, low end. On the otherhand this town has more condos than trees and it’s got its share of trees.


Look, just because I eat out of the toilet doesn’t mean I’m easily pressured into doing foolish things. No, no, wait, I think it does.

Never mind.

Why do you hate America?

Ignore the above. Thought his was in the pit! :smack: