:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
Oh lord, forgive me for my sins! How could I have been so stupid?!? I told my girlfriend time and time again not to leave me alone; I get bored and do stupid shit! I’ve been like this all my life.
I mean, it says right on the package not to use on genitalia, but this is female Nair, I thought I was exempt! My scrotum just covers my genitalia, it’s not techinically it! I was born under a bad sign, the devil made me do it, it’s not my fault, I’ll be a good boy mommy!
:smack: :smack: :smack: :smack: :smack:
Just make the burning stop!
I thought this was going to be the urban legend, about the guy who wakes up with a hangover and a really itchy crotch after getting drunk and pissing off his girlfriend the night before…
I was planning on the mousse, but when I got to the store I couldn’t remember if it was the mousse or lotion that had been recommended. The lotion had a “sensitive skin” variety and was a little cheaper, so I use that. Once it’s gone I’ll try the mousse too.
I’ve been keeping my scrot’ covered with extra strength neosporin + pain relief but I’m pretty sure I have chemical burns. The skin is all red and blotchy and slighty moist with a pus-like substance and incredibly sensitive.
You think that’s bad? Try getting Marzena Hair Remover Lotion (with new inhibitor!) on your vulva( or, insert name for very sensitive and unprotective skin around vagina here.) ! Now that hurt for days!
Yup, works like a charm. Doesn’t really feel like anything while it’s on, the bottle recommends 5 minutes, more if that doesn’t work, and no more than 10 total. I do 7 or 8 just to be sure it does the job. When I rinse and wash it all away it burns just a little bit, just a little more sensitive overall, but that only lasts a few minutes.
Seriously, I hope my balls are just pain-resistant, and not desensitized in general.