Yep, another thread about sex...

Wow, I must have been out of it for THAT one! Just smashed “Waylon” and “Smithers” into “Withers”. LOL I’m glad you figured it out and explained it to everyone. :smack:

Woo-hoo! 2 out of 10!

Goodbye dry spell! Over 13 months of involuntary celibacy is over!

That may even change to 3 out of 10 if I’m right about her.

I was friend’s with my boyfriend’s ex before I even met my boyfriend, and still am friends with her. I KNOW she never slept with him, because she told me. Even though they dated for 8 months she just wasn’t ready. Her best friend has also told me they never slept together. When I told my boyfriend I knew he was a virgin he was embarrased, but admitted it was true. (This was before we were dateing, we were friends first).

I’ve only ever had sex inside a relationship (although I’ve fooled around without being in a relationship), and my boyfriend has only had sex with, well, me. He was 17 when we started dating over three years ago - I was his first kiss and his first girlfriend.

Well I was going to answer this thread…only now I feel like a tart. Who knew there were so many “good” people out there.

23 y/o male here.I have been going around with my girlfriend since the last 4 years.She is the only girlfriend I ever had and I am her first boyfriend.

Still havent had sex yet and dont plan to until we get married.Marriage is still around 3-4 years away but that shouldnt be a problem.

Definetly will NEVER had sex outside of a commited and monogamous relationship.

Well I had a one night stand.

I wasn’t in any sort of relationship but does a ONS count in this case.

How does sex with an ex-SO rate in this question? I’ve had sexual encounters with 3 exes after we terminated our longterm monogamous relationship. So they were 1 night stands, but I tend to think of it as a bit more than the average non-commited sexual encounter.

Still disqualified though.
[sub]Darn that 19-year old model that took ‘advantage’ of me when I was just a 15 year old lad. :smiley: [/sub]

Good for you! Make that 3rd one count, and may your crops flourish with this sudden change of weather.

What are you saying about Smithers? Are you trying to tell me something?

One night stands disqualify you from the question in my OP. I posted this to find out how many people have never had sex outside of a commited, monogamous relationship. A one night stand is not commitment, hence you HAVE had sex outside the context I specified.

I have never been unfaithful to a partner who expected faithfulness of me. Again, though, I can’t say the same is true for some of the partners I have had (ie they had partners who may have been expecting faithfulness, despite their assurances to the contrary).

And I have had partnerships where neither of us has expected faithfulness of anyone.

So I guess the answer is yes, many times.

I don’t mean faithfulness in the confines of A relationship, I’m referring to faithfulness and commitment in ALL relationships.

I know I’d feel incredibly uncomfortable with a woman who has a past of promiscuity and one night stands. It would raise to many trust and jealousy issues.

Wouldn’t bother me any. I’d figure she’s had the opportunity to get it out of her system. And if not, then at the worst that makes us a pair of sluts who really like each other. I could live with that.

Then good for you.

Being a virgin, minimal experience would be preferable in my partner.

Oh for the love of god… how many times have people told you that this is ridiculous? You need to listen to some of the advice out there.

People are a lot more than the the sum of their sexual experiences (or lack thereof.) If you find someone who rocks your world out of bed to dismiss them because they’ve a different sexual background than you is going to severely limit your pool of available partners and most likely leave you a lonely, frustrated and bitter soul.

I had a lot of experience with sex before I met my husband. It was all horrible and I hadn’t wanted or asked for any of it. My father started my sex ed when I was a toddler. I thought all sex was scary and painful. Then I met someone who loved me and didn’t enjoy hurting me.

I think maybe you need to deemphasize sex and concentrate on forming a relationship with someone who means more to you than your insecurities.

Didn’t move to Florida did you? :wink: