Yes, I do have zits. Thanks for noticing.

Vix, you are absolutely beautiful!
She’s just mad cause she can’t look like you. :wink:

I have 'em too, vix, and I’m 33. So does my 39-year-old husband.

Mine aren’t so bad that I take medication, but dammit, they’re annoying. I’ve been getting them since I was 12. I always just thought they’d magically go away once I turned 18. Nope.

That woman who cleaned your shower? Feh. I don’t care who’s mom she is–if she ever says anything like that to you again, I think you’d be perfectly justified in telling her to go piss up a rope. Either that, or tell her that “you know, those slacks you’re wearing, well, they kinda make your ass look like the side of a barn. Just thought you’d like a little advice.”

This thread reminds me of a time many years ago when I was about 17, and an exchange with my boss, who was a nice guy but a little too aboveboard:

Boss: Are you having your period?

gigi: <puzzled glare> ummm…

Boss: My wife always gets a big zit like that when she has her period.
And the award for most inappropriate subject matter crammed into one brief exchange goes to…

It wouldn’t bother me now but I was just a child; oh, the humanity! :wink:

Have I mentioned that you guys are great? :smiley:

Thanks again to the deafening chorus of posters who are trying to embarrass me … you are succeeding.

Update on annoying roommate: I didn’t mention in the OP that the shower-cleaning by annoying roommate’s mother was the first time since August that AR (or his representive) had done any house work. (That’s six months. No cleaning. No sweeping. No vacuuming. No dusting. Nary a wipe of the table with a damp sponge. I do think he brought the trash out. Once).

This weekend, (miracle of miracles!) AR actually condescended to help my other (good) roommate and me with the housework! He cleaned the bathroom! But he did point out that since his mother had cleaned the tub, he wasn’t going to do that. Gee, thanks. :rolleyes: