Yes, I'm bored again and lacking for IM buddies.. hehehe :)

Hey, all. Well, the subject line pretty much says it all. I’m kind of bored at the moment, and so would appreciate it if I had people to talk to. So indulge me again, will ya? :slight_smile:

ICQ: 130187524
Yahoo: flamsterette_x


I’d IM you if you had AIM.

I only have MSN Messenger.

Sadly my employers decided that ICQ was not a useful work tool. Ignoring all my protests (it was really useful for reminding my SO to buy milk/defrost meat etc thus reducing the number of personal calls made) they did remove it from my pc :frowning:

Apparently whilst at work I am meant to do actual work ??? this is a new concept but I am endeavoring to meet their high standards of work related performance.

I did something really dumb to my MSN a few months ago, so I don’t have that on this computer anymore. As for AIM, I’m not sure if I should get that or not. (might post a thread in IMHO about it soon)

Yes, leechbabe, apparently you’re supposed to do actual work when you’re at that office (or wherever) all day, you know? :wink: Actually, one of my sister’s friends works at a golf club or some sort, and they let the front desk people use ICQ on the computer, because apparently it’s very slow over there.


You mean not everyone has MSN Messenger, AIM, and ICQ running at the same time? I must be addicted to IM’s.

There are web-based ICQ and AIM applications which do not require any software to be installed to your system and which will run on damned near any PC. They’re both available from the companys’ main pages… and EVen if it’s not installed on your computer and/or you aren’t able to install new software where you are, you can use AIM and ICQ.


(Hubman brought home a work laptop and they both run on it just fine…and it’s an antiquated POS)

Okay then, I’ll indulge you (if only out of amazement :slight_smile: ).

Flamsterette_X, what do you talk about & what’s it rated? :slight_smile:

TheLoadedDog: Out of amazement, eh? You mean, like you’re amazed I’m ever bored? :slight_smile: Believe me, it happens.

handy: What do I talk about? Life in general, music, books, etc. What’s it rated? I’d say, at worst, a PG-14. Certainly not rated R!


Give into the peer pressure…just download AIM or MSN…

Doggoneit, I’d love it if a Doper IMed me at work.

If I were to download MSN, I’d have to reinstall Windows. (long story; the gist of it is that I deleted some files which I shouldn’t have) And as for AIM, I don’t know about that either. Suppose I can always try.


If I were to download MSN, I’d have to reinstall Windows. (long story; the gist of it is that I deleted some files which I shouldn’t have) And as for AIM, I don’t know about that either. Suppose I can always try.


If I were to download MSN, I’d have to reinstall Windows. (long story; the gist of it is that I deleted some files which I shouldn’t have) And as for AIM, I don’t know about that either. Suppose I can always try.


Apparently, that last sentiment was so important to me that I had to say it twice… :rolleyes:

Can a mod remove one of them for me? Thanks.


Make that three times… sigh…

If your gonna say it three times you might as well try it :smiley:

I know, dreamer… I know. So I went to the site, and had to go through a few screen names before I finally found one that wasn’t taken.

Flamsterette? Taken (how can that be?)
Flami? Taken.
Flaming Dragon? Taken.
Brolx? Taken. (but I made that one up for an RPG!)
Flamster? Taken. (okay, who’s been stealing all my aliases and using them on AIM? :D)

Finally, I hit on one that wasn’t taken: AlenaBrolxFlami. Now that I’ve installed it, I am now active on AIM. Message me! :smiley:


OK - I made a new screen name just to chat with dopers :smiley:

IM if you’d like - One4dreamer

Since we’re on a roll here, far be it from me to be anti-social. :smiley:

AIM-- CelticCowboy68

Yahoo-- jonnomcd