Yes! Victory Is MINE!!

Muahahaha! I told you so!

For months I said that the china cabinet would look better on that wall than it does on that wall. But no, you insisted that you were the one with the eye for this sort of thing, and that it looked better on that wall than it would on that wall.

I tried pointing out that if it were on that wall rather than that wall, then there would be a clearer path through the dining room, but you dismissed the idea with a flick of your wrist.

I noted that if it were on that wall rather than that wall, then people sitting on the one side of the dining room table wouldn’t be so prone to accidentally bump into the cabinet when scooting their chair out. But you would hear none of it.

So, since the cabinet had to be emptied and moved to the center of the room while I put up new border wallpaper, I took matters into my own hands. Unbeknownst to you, dear wife, when I finished the project I put the china cabinet on that wall rather than that wall, and to hell with the results!

And what, exactly, were your words when you entered the room? I do believe it was something along the lines of “Huh…you know, I think you’re right. It does work better on that wall”.

Ha! Doubt me never again, woman!

Dear lord…life officially becomes sad when this is what you look at as a victory.

I take it that Mrs. Hal never reads the SDMB?

('Cause, y’know, there are victories and then there are Pyrrhic victories.)

Be careful though. One time my husband was “so right it hurts.” That made it hurt even worse when I proved to him that he was wrong.

Yeah, she’s got her own message board sucking up her life. In front of her, all I did was a quick shimmy dance and yelled “Ha! In your faok, I’ll stop gloating now”.

C’mon dude. We all know she had already left the room by the time you did the dance and the “In your face” was quickly followed by “I see my one true love.”

Hey, husbands can be right sometimes. Well, occasionally. Ok, rarely. But, we have to love them anyway. Let them do their little victory dances, pat their heads and tell them how smart they are. Then give them a cookie. :smiley:


Bwahahahahaha! This is soooooo very true and well said too!

we’re supposed to get a cookie?

Hal, I know you think you are right in this case, but you aren’t. We never are.

A wise old man once told me, “You know that argument you had with your wife last year that you thought you won? It’s not over yet.”

You must learn from East Asian philisophy to take a long term view of such matters. Ask yourself, in a thousand years, on what side of the room will the cabinet be?

Now, go forth and apologize, Grasshopper.

Yeah, but doing the “I told you so” routine often results in the withholding if the noo…uh…cookie.

I totally see that happening. How are you guys?

Things are pretty good, thanks – it’s the Littlest Briston’s first Christmas that she has any awareness of, so all the usual stuff takes on that new, special feeling.

On topic of the OP, I’ve since been informed that moving the china cabinet over to that wall was originally my wife’s idea. And damnit, I have no idea if she’s putting one over on me or not.

Women can have that effect on you. Enjoy the holidays with the little one!