After 4 long years, they finally fired my twofaced, abusive, perverted boss. It happened on Tuesday.
I don’t know what he did to seal the deal, but it must have been pretty bad. The policy here is that any full-time position termination is to be preceded by a month’s notice so the person can find another job. He came in Tuesday morning, as normally as any other day. Around 10am his boss and the department head called him into their office to talk to him about something. About 10 minutes later he came out, red-faced and looking like hell. He was immediately escorted out of the building by his boss. He didn’t come back.
That afternoon, the department head sent out an email to everyone that stated, “Effective today, so-and-so is no longer an employee here.” They didn’t even allow him to clean his personal items out of his desk - some person from HR came and did that.
Legally, they can’t tell us what happened. If it had been due to accumulation of his past dickery, he would have been warned in advance of his firing. But this was really weird. I can’t help wondering what he did - embezzling funds? Porn on his work computer? - Which, by the way, are both things I would not be surprised at all if they’d caught him with. Which says a lot about what kind of person he is.
I’m just so glad to be rid of the bastard. I even had a nice cigar the other night to celebrate. I hope he never again has the opportunity to abuse others like he abused me and some of my co-workers.
This doesn’t happen often enough. One of my well-worn sayings is “There’s nothing as long-lived as the job of a crappy co-worker.” They seem to hang around forever.
Happily, your dweeb didn’t. I’m glad to be proved wrong!
If there’s one thing that slime deserves more than sitting there wondering why his crotch hurts so bad, it’s sitting there jobless wondering why his crotch hurts so bad.
WooHOO! I recently telepathically removed Ms. Bitchface (a cunt-like substance from another dimension) from her position as my boss. The clouds parted and the sun is shining again. And I can take that rope down from the rafter. It’s such a great feeling!
Thanks to you, Amazon Floozy Goddess, I now have a Waylan Jennings earworm.
[sub](What goes around, pretty momma, just comes back around… it comes back around.)[/sub]
AMG, I must have missed hearing about your boss from hell before. Got some links? I love to hear about it when someone gets their comeuppance.
My guess, with nothing to base it on, would be the porn. If it was embezzlement the office grapevine would already be buzzing with tales of how he would be prosecuted. If he was red in the face, it could be embarrassment at having his “proclivities” found out.
Before I was laid off from my job a couple of years ago I came up with an idea to generate more revenue for the company. I even demonstrated it. Of course I let the VP know. She did that ‘fake interest/thank you for sharing’ thing. Well, turns out she’s now in charge of doing what I proposed in 2003. Of course I wanted the company to make use of my idea; but it rankles that she’s the one taking it on.
But to link this to the OP, scuttlebutt has it that she’s on her way out. Go Karma!
And congratulations, Amazon Floozy Goddess, I remember some of the stories you’ve related about your boss. He’s a real weinerhead (I’m just not in Kalhoun’s class on the colorful insults :p) and deserves being walked out in disgrace.
Heh. Congratulations! Isn’t that a great feeling?
I’ve telepathically removed three people from here this year. My only friend here marvels at how I do it. We had a firing, a retirement, and one quit to go to work for a competitor. All but the one who got fired regrets it, and all of them hated me and tried like hell to make my life miserable every day. The person who got fired was my boss, and the other two were office bitches that were seen as superiors to me, even though they weren’t.
You’re lucky. Yours won’t be back to keep trying to make you miserable. I can’t get completely clean of the quitter and the retiree. They don’t have anything better to do with their free time than to stir the shit from outside the office.
God no. He’d have been turfed long before now if that was the case.
Besides, I doubt there’d be much to show off. I have the feeling that one inch less, and he’d be a chick.
I guess that means shriveled old Mr. Twignberries is still lecturing, wearing running shorts with his leg up on a chair. I can’t remember who shared that indelible image.