Yet another health class film

This thread brought back a memory of mine that I’ve wondered about for over 50 years.

Way back when I was in school (sometime around 1960, give or take a few years), we saw a film of a Caesarian birth of triplets. I remember that the incision was vertical, and when they closed it up, they held it closed with things that looked like buttons, on both sides of the incision, with some kind of lacing holding it all together.

Is this how some incisions were closed back then, or is my memory playing games with me?

Oh, and by the way, the class jock passed out during this film. :smiley:

Bizarro. I’ve never heard of anything like that - sounds like the way you lace up a pair of ice skates!!

That said, a vertical incision was the standard until the past few decades.

Live and learn!!

This link certainly seems to describe something similar to your memory. As does this (warning, PDF).