Yikes!! I Accidentally Saw the End of the Tony Danza Show!!

I was surprised. nay shocked, to find

that he can actually S I N G ! ! :eek:

That is a suprise/shock indeed. I had thought that this man’s only talent was standing around looking cute. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.

Auggh. I do know how to spell ‘surprise’. I don’t know how that ‘r’ fell out. :smack:

He’s had a stage act for years. Sings, dances (tap) and plays instruments. He just recently did a few shows in Atlantic City.

One night, I was watching Who’s the Boss on Nic @ Nite, and I randomly flipped over to ABC or something, and they were playing The Tony Danza Show, and it about gave me a heart attack. He looks so old now!

No, no, no youngster…it’s ‘He looked so young then’.

Not as well as Wayne Brady. He also doesn’t dance as well as Wayne Brady, doesn’t interview as well, and doesn’t ad lib as well. He talks about himself way too much when interviewing people and if I have to hear him congratulated one more time for his impending grandpa-dom I will scream because everytime someone congratulates him he has to go on and on about it.

Needless to say, I miss Wayne Brady. :frowning:

The guy is great. He’s from Orlando, where I am now, and people all over town will tell you he’s even nicer and freindlier IRL than he is on TV.