Y'know, I could really go for 100 Slim Jims about now

Why bother cooking it?

Band name!

We were at Sam’s Club once buying stuff for a party and decided we needed some styrofoam cups for coffee. The only size they had was a box about half the size of a telephone booth. Know how many styrofoam cups that is?


Seriously, if I ever buy a membership at a Big Box store again, I’m going to find other people at work or in the D&D game or at the dojo who’d be willing to buy a share, so I only end up with 10 Slim Jims or a few muffins.

Getting back to the OP: Tabasco Slim Jims. Now I’d put a beat down on Costco-sized pallet of them for sure.

Actually, upon further research, I have to take that back. Ramen is fried and after drying, still contains some remaining fat, so they can eventually go rancid. However, if stored in a cool, dry place, they can remain edible for quite many years longer than the date printed on it.

Chicken preference.:wink:

Our hens are overly pampered, but right now seven hens are averaging six eggs each day.

I’m picturing you walking past the Slim Jims at Costco and the ghost of Randy “Macho Man” Savage showing up, and the next thing you know, you’re loading them into your trunk with no memory of actually buying them.

And yeah, I’d be right there with you, with the dozen empty wrappers and a walk of shame to the garbage can.

Some folks would argue that there are foods that have a “Best after” date on them.

Peeps come to mind.

Some folks might say pizza, too.


I LOLed.

I got sucked into buying a gallon can of cajun style boiled peanuts. Turned out the volume wasn’t an issue because a full 3/4 of the peanuts were inedible :mad:
And the edible ones weren’t particularly good either. Those must have been the peanuts they couldn’t even sell as pig food.

And on the too much food front. We ordered 3 gallons of hot sauce. They double shipped and sent 6 so we just kept it (but we paid for it). And I just made 3 more gallons with 5 gallons of bought jalapenos. AND I got a butt load of pepper plants growing in the back yard.

Anybody need some hot sauce? :slight_smile:

Yeah… I drink hot sauce. Can never have enough.


Brian Wansink has done research on this, and has found that people do tend to eat more of something at a sitting if it comes in a larger package. Most people aren’t aware that they’re doing it, though. His book Mindless Eating has a lot more information on this, if anyone is interested.

This is why I stay out of the snack food section at Costco, and buy snack foods in the smallest packages I can find at the regular grocery store. I do not need a lot of snack foods (I don’t need more sugar, salt, or calories, which is what most snack foods provide nutritionally), so saving money on them per ounce is not a good deal.

I found that, if I don’t have snack foods in the house, I don’t eat nearly as much of them, and I don’t even really miss them that much. Big win.

My in-laws and my parents visited last weekend. The first thing my in-laws did when they got here was to go to Costco and buy two big packages of huge muffins. I wish they hadn’t done that. I ended up sending as many of the muffins home with them or my parents as I could push on them. I know that, if they stay in the house, Mr. Neville or I will end up eating them. And we do not need to eat muffins the size of our faces.

Snap into a Slim Jim!!

You could cut them in half and have half-faced muffins.

Peter: "Yeah, I haven’t been this exhausted since I had that job as Jackée Harry’s personal grocery shopper…

A pallet? Am I reading this right? You need a pallet of chocolate covered pretzels. Where the hell am I supposed…what is this? A drum of grape jam? Is that like a drum like they ship oil in. Is that…look at this one. A desk of Cheezits? A desk…where are you getting these units of measurement from?"

Jackée Harry: “Mary!”

Peter: “Ha ha! That is still funny. Okay, you stay right here big, funny gal. I’ll be right back with… a hammock of cake.”

I rarely get light GI upsets, even when I’m overly cautious. I can get some serious GI upsets when I’m eating nothing but Cream of Wheat with a little milk and sweetener.

Our local megalow mart had one of those giant wax covered wheels? of cheeze once. The kind that are like 3 feet across and about a foot thick. I must admit I was tempted.

Mmm, chewy marshmallows. :slight_smile:

I’ve heard that, too - we often just eat until the food is gone, with little consideration for how much we need or want or how hungry we are.

How about those giant see-through buckets of cheesy poofs? Isn’t there a risk of radiation sickness from that much day-glo cheedle dust?

Thats not funny. My grandpaw died in the mountains of Appalacha in Virgina mining those things. Cheetos Lung ain’t a nice way to go.

See, I think Costco is great…once you have done this at least once (mine was pistachio nuts. I was very ill. I ate them ALL.)

Now, I go there for specific items (meat, juice, almonds, garbage bags) and the food items are either already in individual serving containers or we divvy them up into servings before they get put away.

So, my 1.1 kgs of almonds has lasted me 20 months now and there are still cookies left for my kids’ lunches.

But, man, I could use a few of those slim jims right now.

I generally view Sell By and Best Before not as expiration dates, but as a way to mandate making more. Actual expiration dates that involve actually be unhealthy don’t use weasel words like that.

Then again, I’m in that segment of the population who shops at the “bent-and-dent.”

EDIT: Sorry, forgot about your easily irritated stomach. Just because most people can eat it doesn’t mean it won’t cause problems to the most susceptible.

Part of the weasel wording is because handling can shorten the product’s life span, as well. I once read a chart that showed the average length of time that milk would stay good at various temperatures…and the time varied from over a week to less than half a day, depending on the temperature.

I don’t buy food at the bent and dent store. Particularly after the Town Talk botulism case we had here in town. Books? Yeah, I’ll shop the clearance rack at used book stores. Clothes? Let me browse. Food? No way.